I'm currently sitting at 12/2/2 Ranger/Fighter/Rogue, and am ready to level. Only problem is, I'm not sure which class to level and how to finish out the last three levels. This was my first ever character, so I know I made a lot of mistakes probably, but he is fun to play and has pretty decent solo survivability. The lack of skill points concerns me in going fighter, as I'd like to get UMD up a few more levels (currently 20). A couple more levels of Rogue for sneak attack bonus might be nice, along with trapmaking ability. Ranger looks like it will split the difference on HP and skills between ranger and rogue, and I think I could get up to 1 lvl 4 spell.
I'd appreciate thoughts on where to take these last four levels. Ranger class is tempest. I can always greater reincarnate at 20 to start over.