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  1. #161
    Community Member weyoun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Waukeen View Post
    "I am the walrus?"
    You are out of your element Donny
    Lysol, Winner of the Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence

  2. #162
    Community Member Judo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by weyoun View Post
    You are out of your element Donny
    Shut the f*c* up Donny!
    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Math never helps solve problems, it only further complicates them. Far too often players use it as a tool to push there own agenda and twist numbers to cause strife where its not due.

  3. #163


    Eriik are you seriously postulating that those guys don't last long?

    O.J. Simpson is STILL a celebrity! Cobb spent 23 years as a pro player. Bonds played 21 years. Isiah Thomas is still involved in basketball.

    How is that not lasting long?

    With regards to your one example... why do you not comment on the commentary of the guy saying he had those problems earlier but they were over looked because the Steelers were winning?
    Last edited by Clay; 08-27-2010 at 10:35 PM.
    R e v e n a n t s Renowned

  4. #164


    Relilk and Hammer you are both entitled to your opinions and are free to express them (with the forum rules). I do notice that two of you hide behind anonymity. This thread is not the place to express those opinions. I challenge to you find the hypocrisy in anything I have posted.

    If you read the OP again and read through this thread, there is no mention of guild association. The OP asks who is the best player on Thelanis. The word "best" is ambiguous as has been mentioned. The debate was opened up to include different aspects of game play as well as character.

    In light of the intentions of the OP, namely an enjoyable discussion, the derogatory remarks of Pumagirl have no place in this thread. She could simply have said Cerciv.

    I find it hypocritical of anyone to point a finger at anyone in a hateful way and accuse them of being hateful. The narrow path does not allow for excuses like "he started it," or "well they are mean too." That is what makes it a narrow path. You still don't have to like Legion, or me, or anyone--but you are acting no better.

    I say again, the feelings you have for or against my Guild are valid but that is not the purpose of this discussion. If you want, start a thread decrying all of my faults, and those I associate with. But here, in THIS THREAD, please try and contain your venom--as all the various other forum/game "trolls" seem to be able. Are you not, as your posts attempt to point out, better than us?
    Last edited by Clay; 08-28-2010 at 02:23 AM.
    R e v e n a n t s Renowned

  5. #165
    Community Member pumagirl418's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clay View Post
    Are you not, as your posts attempt to point out, better than us?
    i seen this and thought if someone thinks they are better they would self nominate... lol... and i thought of cannon... rotflmao

    just goofin' cannon and others who have :P

  6. #166
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    Default Some Europeans..

    Well, since Correlan posted

    I`ll nominate 3 from Erebus as worthy of your list, though they, like many others that are truly great, would never speak up in this context and mostly solo anyway.

    The leader of Erebus, Phwarp: Great wizard.
    Doddles, still the best ranger I`ve seen in DDO after playing for 4 years.

    Other European players:

    Sarezar(now in Children and Monsters), great wizard with the first worldwide solo of the Hound as maybe the greatest accomplishment.
    Moraadin, leader of aLiClan and a great cleric.

    All of these, as well as many others, have now played on Thelanis for the better part of the last year, and should be considered more than just `Europeans`, but true Thelanians

    I`ll add a honorable mention of Renegade which is also one of the best players I`ve played with on this server.
    Last edited by Surcus1; 08-28-2010 at 09:54 PM.
    If life is meaningless, nothing you do matters. However, if life is meaningful then everything you do matter, something that places such a terrible burden on people that I think they are unwilling to bear it.

  7. #167
    Community Member hammerstriker1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clay View Post
    Relilk and Hammer you are both entitled to your opinions and are free to express them (with the forum rules). I do notice that all three of you hide behind anonymity. This thread is not the place to express those opinions. I challenge to you find the hypocrisy in anything I have posted.

    If you read the OP again and read through this thread, there is no mention of guild association. The OP asks who is the best player on Thelanis. The word "best" is ambiguous as has been mentioned. The debate was opened up to include different aspects of game play as well as character.

    In light of the intentions of the OP, namely an enjoyable discussion, the derogatory remarks of Pumagirl have no place in this thread. She could simply have said Cerciv.

    I find it hypocritical of anyone to point a finger at anyone in a hateful way and accuse them of being hateful. The narrow path does not allow for excuses like "he started it," or "well they are mean too." That is what makes it a narrow path. You still don't have to like Legion, or me, or anyone--but you are acting no better.

    I say again, the feelings you have for or against my Guild are valid but that is not the purpose of this discussion. If you want, start a thread decrying all of my faults, and those I associate with. But here, in THIS THREAD, please try and contain your venom--as all the various other forum/game "trolls" seem to be able. Are you not, as your posts attempt to point out, better than us?
    My signature shows who my main toon is and what guild I'm in so I dont see how thats being annonymous. My intent was not to bash your guild or anyone in it...I dont really have a problem with peeps in ur guild or the guild itself...there is 1 maybe 2 that I dont care for but thats neither here nor there. I was simply pointing out that you were getting on pumagirl for her not liking who Cersiv associates with and that your guild tends to do that alot.....thats all...take it how ever you want but I am not a "hater" towards ur guild. And not once did I say that myself or my guild was better than you or your guild. And I did reply to the OP's post and if you noticied 2 of my peeps that I really enjoy grouping with are in your take it as you want

  8. #168


    Apologies Hammer, post corrected. I do not object to your observation of some of my guild excluding others because of their guild association. I object to the introduction into this thread of an unnecessary digression in to Guild Personality.

    Puma could have, as you did, simply identify the player and leave commentary out. That is what I am objecting to. The choice to include the disparaging remark was conscious and in doing so, in this thread, hateful. Is that not what Legion is so often lambasted for?

    Let's just leave the current discussion to players, their abilities and personal qualities.

    Can we now focus on the OP's intended discussion?
    Last edited by Clay; 08-28-2010 at 05:25 AM.
    R e v e n a n t s Renowned

  9. #169
    Community Member Jasoul's Avatar
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    there are people that dont like Legion members? ive been gone for awhile, but when did this happen!?!?

    *snorts and snickers*

  10. #170
    Community Member AkromaAoW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clay View Post
    Eriik are you seriously postulating that those guys don't last long?

    O.J. Simpson is STILL a celebrity! Cobb spent 23 years as a pro player. Bonds played 21 years. Isiah Thomas is still involved in basketball.

    How is that not lasting long?

    With regards to your one example... why do you not comment on the commentary of the guy saying he had those problems earlier but they were over looked because the Steelers were winning?
    Even many criminals don't report directly to jail, and I did say in my day to day world. As a college prof, I've witnessed quite a few of our collegiate stars benched for behavior. As a senior software developer working with or leading teams on large projects, the talented software folks are the ones who are not only technically superior but also do well in the group. If you're not a strong team player, do not apply.

    Professional athletes are not in my day to day world. Honestly, a guy throwing a football is not worth anything compared to the exceptionally bright MDs and PhD's I am/have been privileged to work beside. I know numerous people whose research has changed mankind for the better, and it's the athletes who get million dollar contracts for playing professional football/basketball/baseball? Sadly, the only reason those salaries are so large is because enough of the population tunes in to enable them. I don't and haven't since I was a teen, although I do sometimes like to go to amatuer and minor league games.

    In the amatuer arena, a college that gets lots of money from its athletic programs is able to fund faculty research, improvements, student scholarships, and so on. This is a better use of proceeds from athletics than paying Lebron James millions of dollars. Players get an education and a fair stipend for their efforts, and the college gets money for the things that really matter.

    It's kind of like those Intel commercials. The guy that created USB is my superstar, certainly not OJ Simpson. Still, that's why we're having this discussion, right? You and I have different beliefs and people/types we support.



    PS: I also don't watch reality TV or help make Lindsey Lohan, Snookie, or Kim Kardashian popular. Well, that's not completely true. I watch the original reality show - the news. Sadly, these types of people even appear there...
    Last edited by AkromaAoW; 08-28-2010 at 07:27 AM.
    ArtEriik: Leader of Tharashk's Dragon Snacks, ArtEriika, Eriik, Cleriik, ArtCleriik, EriikaJoplin. ArtxEriika, AnEriika, ArtxEriik, EriikaEpic, ElusiveEriik, ArcEriik, AnEriik, and other Eriik somethings
    Proud member of ARCHANGELS

  11. #171


    Our philosophies are not so different. In a discussion of who is the best, or, in other words, most skilled, player, our philosophies are less relevant. You originally postulated that to be successful as a player, you had to have people skills. This argument is fallacious. Even in the scientific/academic world personal defects are often over looked in favor of talent and skills.

    My personal view is that teachers should be paid like the superstars they are. Interesting statement on our society that the schools are often so poorly funded and yet the coliseums can always find more money for the gladiators.
    R e v e n a n t s Renowned

  12. #172
    Community Member AkromaAoW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clay View Post
    Our philosophies are not so different. In a discussion of who is the best, or, in other words, most skilled, player, our philosophies are less relevant. You originally postulated that to be successful as a player, you had to have people skills. This argument is fallacious. Even in the scientific/academic world personal defects are often over looked in favor of talent and skills.

    My personal view is that teachers should be paid like the superstars they are. Interesting statement on our society that the schools are often so poorly funded and yet the coliseums can always find more money for the gladiators.
    Quite an interesting state, indeed.

    Almost my argument, except I want to change player to team player as DDO was intended as a team PVE game. I just believe that to be a highly successful player, you can't be a d***. Such behavior automatically limits the teams of which you can successfully be a member.

    Here is perhaps a compromise. We can discuss two types of best player. The one that has wicked skills with whatever type of personality, and the best team player, the one with awesome skills whose personality allows them to be used across most any group.

    I will continue to believe that, of these two, the best has to be able to get along with folks as I measure success in the ability to help most any group succeed, and you can't succeed in a group that won't have you.


    Last edited by AkromaAoW; 08-28-2010 at 08:02 AM.
    ArtEriik: Leader of Tharashk's Dragon Snacks, ArtEriika, Eriik, Cleriik, ArtCleriik, EriikaJoplin. ArtxEriika, AnEriika, ArtxEriik, EriikaEpic, ElusiveEriik, ArcEriik, AnEriik, and other Eriik somethings
    Proud member of ARCHANGELS

  13. #173
    2015 DDO Players Council Ironforge_Clan's Avatar
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    Okay I'm putting an end to this who's the best garbage. For the last time GisKing is the best player on our server. How do I know this? He told me it was so!

    Axebiter, Cujo, Runeforge, Runefury, Runegoth, Runehealer, Runehamer, Runehorde, Runenight, Runesongs, Runezephyr
    And the forgotten: Runeaura, Runedevourer, Herstinkie, Runewolf,
    Caught somewhere between casual player and power gamer.

  14. #174
    Community Member soloman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AkromaAoW View Post
    PS: I also don't watch reality TV or help make Lindsey Lohan, Snookie, or Kim Kardashian popular. Well, that's not completely true. I watch the original reality show - the news. Sadly, these types of people even appear there...
    I dont watch TV so.....who the Freak is Snookie?
    Sistasole~Medie~Valintino~ Solobot~Pashadenali ~

  15. #175
    Community Member weyoun's Avatar
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    He're Snookie getting punched. It's what made MTV's Jersey Shore viral.

    Never seen the show, just the video of the punching.
    Lysol, Winner of the Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence

  16. #176
    Founder Blackbird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judo View Post
    ren your logic is flawed, the girl gamers have been double clicking their mouse for years...
    *snicker* Maybe that's why women make such awesome healers. We like to mash buttons fast
    Justice / Karisu / Melodi / Morgiana / Zoie / Dixee / Savanna / Silviah / Oliviah / Coreline / Serachi / Raevinn
    -= Pestilence =-

  17. #177
    Community Member -Satureon-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soloman View Post
    Saw a thread like this on the Khyber forums and it brought me to thinking about who would carry the torch here on Thelanis?

    Interesting conversation or am I just way too bored?
    You definitely way too bored...
    Satureon, Ranged (Pal x1, Mnk x3, Ran x3, Rog x1 8/8 lives),
    Betelgeuseon, Multitank (Ftr 2x, Barb 1x 3/10 lives),
    Androgun, Arcane (Wiz 3x, Sorc 3x, Fvs 1x 7/10 lives)
    [Saturus, 8 years old toon (Pal 1x, Ftr 1x, Mnk 3x, Rog 1x), Exterminus (Wiz 1x, Fvs 2x, Sorc 1x): on Thelanis.]
    Improvisative play preferred. No VC, because i just don't care by different reasons + honestly sometimes just need to focus anywhere else too, as i'm not the 'gnome at the basement' type 24/7-er.
    2006-2009 EU Aureon-Keeper; 2009-2013 US Thelanis; 2013- US Ghallanda;
    Founder/Namegiver: formerly Eternal Infinity (Thelanis), presently
    Older melee 'fame': Zawabi raid solo (mod6)+(a 'bit later' in US), old Elite DA solo, VoD solo (2011), Titan raid 4 mins shortman (2011?), ToD melee duo (2012)
    Some growing Solo Achievements (EE/Raids/Max lv. Challenges; no death/no reenter/no hire/little resources)
    My DDO True AC Calculator

  18. #178
    Community Member soloman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by weyoun View Post
    He're Snookie getting punched. It's what made MTV's Jersey Shore viral.

    Never seen the show, just the video of the punching.
    OMFG!! I love it. Does she get punched every week? If so I might start tuning in
    Sistasole~Medie~Valintino~ Solobot~Pashadenali ~

  19. #179
    Community Member soloman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackbird View Post
    *snicker* Maybe That's Why Women Make Such Awesome Healers. We Like To Mash Buttons Fast
    Rofl!! +1 :d
    Sistasole~Medie~Valintino~ Solobot~Pashadenali ~

  20. #180
    Community Member soloman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Satureon- View Post
    You definitely way too bored...
    Yeah your right there

    But what else am I supposed to do while waiting to TR? I suppose I could check out the Snookie gal
    Sistasole~Medie~Valintino~ Solobot~Pashadenali ~

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