This is just a thought experiment really. I'm not asking for the "wiki" definition of constitution- I'm curious to see what others think the CON score means, and want to understand the thought process behind the attribute itself.
Today, I was wondering what my constitution score would be in real life (dorky I know). Then I thought, "What exactly is CON a measure of anyway?"
For example, let's say we have two level 1 fighters. One with a CON of 10 and the other a CON of 16. They are both hit with say... Burning hands.
If we were to envision the scenario correctly, would both fighters exhibit the same burns and blisters? Are both of them equally damaged? If so, this means that CON is simply one's ability to ignore pain and continue to fight.
Or, does the fighter with a higher CON score somehow resist the physical blistering effects of being burned? If this is the case, it raises the question of what Hit Points are a measure of.
I'm just trying to wrap my head around how two characters can be equally physically damaged and yet one of them is much better off than the other. Is this just an inherent design flaw that we choose to ignore for convenience?
Again, I'm perfectly fine with the game as is, and have no desire to change it. I just want to understand it better.