Just wondering what the going rate on Large Stones are at the moment.
Just wondering what the going rate on Large Stones are at the moment.
Red Scales: ~450k-550k plat
Devil Scales: ~300k plat
Stones: ~200k-250k plat
Shrapnel: ~100k plat
Chains, Arrows: ~70k-90k plat
Bones: Ask in a shroud group and you'll probably get a few for free.
These are the prices I use when trading larges for plat (and vice versa) in a direct trade (no AH fees for seller). It's a fair deal on both sides, whether you are buying or selling.
Last edited by mediocresurgeon; 08-25-2010 at 05:41 AM.
The nerfing will continue until morale improves!
if you have red scales ill buy them for 550k a pop, never seen prices like that but ill buy any anyone has at that price...