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  1. #1
    Community Member Strickalator2's Avatar
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    Question Certain Quests cause a every 5 second lag/freeze for 2 seconds

    I am getting a strange issue with a graphic blip or lag only on certain quests and its random it seems. Every now and then I get into a quest that freezes the game for 2 seconds at every 5 second interval or so. What could be the Problem here?

    I am running windows 7 64 bit on a 3.0ghz quad core machine with a ati 5770 1 GB Graphics card.
    aka Rosallas Keenstar

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    I believe I have the same problem. Periodically my screen goes dark and the game freezes on me for a long two seconds, then comes back. Sound continues to play, however, while this occurs. Once it lead to a blue screen.

    I'm running the client on DX9. When I was using DX10 those freezes would cause blue screens.

    I'm also on Windows 7 x64, and have an nVidia 8800 with latest drivers.


  3. #3
    Community Member
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    In the video settings, try disabling...****, I always forget the name...something like Environment Stencil Shadows...or something like's a check box...

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by rimble View Post
    In the video settings, try disabling...****, I always forget the name...something like Environment Stencil Shadows...or something like's a check box...
    The Environment Stencil Shadows were already disabled. And sadly turbine support has ignored my two tickets...

    EDIT: Also, I'm getting blue screens with DX9 as well as DX10.

  5. #5
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    I get this as well - but on a very small number of quests, and as my main in 14th lvl, I've played through enough content to get an appreciation that its only happening in a few quests/raid areas for me.

    Quests for me where this always happens:

    The Shadow Crypt - Necro2
    Subterreane (sp?)
    Reikye - 12 RGR / 3 RGE on a TR drive

  6. #6
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    Yep, I get this too in a small number of quests, Shadow Crypt being the one that sticks in the memory. It's regular and constant and only in certain quests so I'm guessing a certain design element not frequently used is not playing by the rules and upsetting certain driver set ups or similar.

    It's very annoying when in the mazey rooms of Shadow Crypt, makes my addled direction sense even more confused when I'm never quite sure if the game has registered my turning a corner or not.

  7. #7
    Community Member werk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strickalator2 View Post
    I get into a quest that freezes the game for 2 seconds at every 5 second interval or so. What could be the Problem here?
    The only time I see this is when I have spyware/malware or a second DDO client or other game running at the same time. I can sometimes see this with browsers running in the background that have ad servers that are constantly refreshing, aka pandora, googlenews, etc. ...especially if I open pandora in the in-game browser and it times out so it's running but the browser resets

    When it starts acting like that open up your memory and network usage and watch the crazy...figure out what's going on where.

    The black screens sound like driver issues, bad settings.

  8. #8
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    I think if they're describing the same issue as me then it'd make no odds to run bare bones, as I do that almost all the time and during these quests have looked for processes taking CPU time, disk writes, etc. to make sure it wasn't something my end. Not that the OP shouldn't try if they haven't of course.

    It sounds very much like the issue I have which is repeatable only in those handful of quests, every time, regardless of other variables such as server lag, connection quality, active processes in Windows, etc. and is present only throughout the quest from entrance to exit.

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