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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Looking for 18+ guild that's newb friendly

    Hey guys! I'm new to DDO, obviously, and looking for a guild. I'm currently on the Sarlona server but I can move no problem. I have 4 diff level 3 toons as I've been messing around with builds and classes trying to decide what I really wanna be. I'm really stoked on my Halfling ranger right now and will make that my primary or if I move servers will re-roll him...

    I'm 24 and I live in Georgia (EST) and I prefer 18+ guilds mostly because there's usually less drama and my jokes don't go over everyone else's head... Also, I've found that homework and curfews/bedtimes tend to interfere with Raid schedules and what-not...

    I'm new to DDO but not to MMO's in general. I played a game called Shaiya online for over a year and then dabbled in LOTRO, Warhammer, and then played Aion exclusively for 8-9 months or so... took a break from MMO gaming for a while and now I'm wanting to get back into it... I played table top a couple of times in highschool and loved it so I figured I'd give the MMO version a look-see. So far I love it! Just need some friends to play with and chat with.

    I do want a fairly social guild. I hate joining guilds and then the first week a few officers are nice and talkative but after that you're just another number on the roster. That's why I prefer medium or smaller guilds. Members tend to be more closely knitted and friendly.

    Anyways, lol I could ramble all day about what I like and dislike but I won't... If you think you have a great fit for me then please let me know. I have a couple of friends on Sarlona with me that would probably come with me. All 18+... so please hit me back and let me know.

    Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    Community Member Terribabe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Hey! Come and Check out Tel Teukiira! We are a VERY small guild. We are on just about every night. We are a very close nit guild that loves to laugh and have a good time while doing quests and slayers. My husband and I run the guild and we live in SC. =D We play with our high level toons, but we also have lowbies that we could play with as well. Send me a tell or mail to Cailie. If I am not on, look for Neucari, Falcanor or Margorn. One of us is usually on. And we are on the Sarlona server. We are a small guild but we are trying to get some more members. I just don't want to be a guild that has soooo many members that you don't know who they are. So come and check us out!! I look forward to meeting you!

    Terri aka Cailie

    Leader of Tel Teukiira

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default looking for guild

    Hi The Rapscallions is an up and coming guild on Thelanis. We have a blast chatting it up in guild chat, and party chat as long as you can focus on whats expected of your toon. No talking and then We have all lvls and styles of players. Please go to our ddo page and see if we would be a good fit for you and your friends. Contact one of our officers or myself ( Dethmaaccure ), leader. . Have fun out there

  4. #4
    Community Member stonysativa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    I have a guild on Orien. lvl 13 at the moment. only 2 members, both vip, and im wanting to add more members, adults only. feel free to send me a tell or mail @ Stony id be very happy to get some more people to come run with us.

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