Before upgrading to VIP, i had alot of random crashes, no big deal, they were usually able to be task manager killed and didnt bring down windows.
After I upgraded to VIP, I always 100% of the time crash now after about 10-20 sec of the game launching.
The launcher process runs, im able to login, select a server, launch the game, and go through the loading screen to get to the character select screen. Once the char select screen loads, the game ALWAYS 100% of the time crashes after about 10-20sec, regardless of me selecting anything or not. It freezes completely, and I cant even ctrl alt del.
I've emailed turbine and gone thru the forms on your website and noone has even responded to me, please help me troubleshoot this, or I would like to request a refund as I can't play your game.
Windows 7 Professional
4GB Ram, Core2Duo E8400, GeForce9800GT, DirectX up to date, Windows up to date.
Tried uninstalling and reinstalling 3 times already.
Tried deleting the Turbine user prefs in the My Documents folder.
Launcher log file ends with
Launching: dndclient.exe -a <SubscriptionName> -h --glsticketdirect <GlsTicket> --chatserver --language English --rodat on --supporturl --gametype DDO --supportserviceurl --authserverurl --glsticketlifetime 21600 --HighResOutOfDate 8/23/2010 5:40:13 AM
A running game has been found. 8/23/2010 5:40:13 AM
Launched Game Process ID (PID): 2808 8/23/2010 5:40:13 AM
Transition to phase: GameIsRunningControl
Also, I scoured your site, do you really have no live help available to help me troubleshoot this?