Hi All,
This post is purely to express some positive hapiness and warmth in a world of way too much negativity and cold.
So there I was, a boring Saturday afternoon, alone on the airship, looking at all the LFM's I was not eligible for and sighing when....
Ping "Fancy doing a Hound run?"
Ooooh, a perfect stranger asking me to play.
Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
But wait, my heart sinks as I have to respond
"Would like to, but I saw your LFM says "Have a Clue" and I have only run the Hound once before and so would need a lot of guidance"
"No problem", comes the reply.
Joy springs anew to my heart as I leap from the airship (not literally) and make my way to the dread Sub. Good news I think, I am not the only healer. I feel less pressured but still apprehensive. Some speak with accents of the mysterious East, some type in strange characters of Cyrillic, will communication be hard I ask myself?
We enter the dread sub, my heart beating a tattoo in my chest as I play follow the leader. But wait, I am slow, they run fast, I am getting lost, their dots do stream ahead, All will be for nothing..... no, one waits, all is saved.
After many fierce battles and healed wounds (and a nice Rare chest), we reach the entrance to the infamous Hound. Instructions are issued, plans are drawn then the dark words of fate are uttered.
"Hey lets do this on ELITE! we have 2 healers and 3 casters, it should be a breeze"
No my heart cries, have I come all this way to die in a misplaced show of bravado? Another member of our brave group's heart quails like mine as they type "scared". But no our leader is bold and determined we enter on elite.
Battle commences and within moments there is confusion, too many people in the middle. Tempers flare and orders are barked, is all lost? Have we come this far to fail?
No, wait, it's ok, the dogs are in. I take my station, the litany of the hound resounding in my head. "Buff the dogs, heal the dogs, heal the tank, heal the dogs, heal the dogs, heal the tank". Ding, one of my brave compatriots falls. Can I risk a res? Ding, a second falls, my powers are fading fast, will this be the end?
"He's up, everyone hit him!"
All at once the remaining group descend on the now vulnerable beast, he goes down, but not without loss of more brave companions. But we have laid the beast low, our xp overfloweth, our downed companions are raised and we descend on the treasure trove. My take is nice, well worth the effort but nothing of great value.
Then as boon companions and new made freinds begin to depart I spot an item remains in the chest. An item of wonderous power and great worth. Will randomness decide it's owner, I wait to see. Behold, an item of little use to me is put up for chance. I need it not so do not enter the game. More people leave, there are ony 3 of my companions now remaining. The owner of the remaining treasure asks
"Anyone need this?".
I reply with heart in mouth, "I could really make use of it if you are sure you don't want it".
My other companion says "Nah no good to me".
And lo, I lift from the chest the famed necklace of dead Lorrik, and placing it around my neck I feel myself grow stronger.
With words of thanks and heartfelt cheers our group scatters to the four winds of Stormreach, and with joy in my heart I wander onwards into quests anew.
I hope my humble tale has cheered your hearts and provided a merry laugh in places. I leave you with the words of a far better storyteller than myself, the awesome Mr Lou Reed
Oh, it's such a perfect day
I'm glad I spent it with you
Oh, such a perfect day
You just keep me hanging on