Hello all,

So i was soloing some of the red fens on one of my trs and i thought it was alright, so i switched toons to try it out on epic. Pretty good stuff, but it reminded to me that all of the epics are just low level quests made into 20th level quests. And i was wondering how hard it would be to make a new high level area only 17+ with some new quests for xp ( which all of us endgame trs have been begging for) With An EPIC ONLY raid, where we get epic loot without that whole grinding thing.

I think the long wished for dracolich would be perfect for this, an area where people can get xp while flagging for the raid and im sure the community is ready for some more loot that drops epicized ( huge fan of the red dragon helm).

And lets face it its time for a new raid...

Not alot of thought put into this, not really sure if this is something only i want or something the community would enjoy.