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  1. #21
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Criticism

    Criticism from someone on the outside is always a good thing for helping improve the current situation. However, when it is said with derision and in an inflammatory tone, it's generally dismissed immediately for the rant that it really is.

    You should be proud that you got your degree and you have the experience that you have gained. Especially since it seems to be in your chosen field, which makes working that much more pleasant. You said you have 23 years of coding experience with 11 of them in the professional realm. In all of that time, I would think you have come across individuals who took the tactic you just chose to use. Did it work when they did it?

    When I come across any posting that blasts DDO for all of the problems it has, I just have to think that people aren't appreciating what they have when they have it. DDO isn't perfect, but it's a far sight better than no D&D MMO to play at all. I remember playing MUDs and thinking 'Man, it would be nice if we could have something like this only with graphics'.

    As far as I can tell, there isn't a long line of companies waiting to grab a share of the market for D&D online multi-player games. Turbine may not be perfect, but I will always be thankful for them stepping up to take a shot. And I'll enjoy the game - warts and all - for as long as it will be live. When/if it does falter and fail, then those that have taken the cheap shots at their hard work will just move on and find something else to complain about since venting seems to be their ultimate goal no matter the subject.

    I hope that you do come back and try to play again with the understanding that it will always be a work in progress. And if you choose not to come back, well that's your loss.

  2. #22
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by AyumiAmakusa View Post
    You can do that already. Drag them to separate them. Duh. Not to mention they're ALREADY fully customisable.
    They must not teach exploring and reading interfaces to Computer Systems Software Engineers at Devry lol

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