I would assume it would be valuable to obtain feedback from the community about the most useful and the less used skills of DDO. With this purpose we could put in descending order the 20 skills available. The first one gets 20 points, the second one 19 points,etc., and the last one 1 point. I would edit the results periodically. Ty.
Use Magic Device (Cha): 93
Jump (Str): 77
Balance (Dex): 76
Spot (Wis): 76
Search (Int): 73
Concentration (Con): 66
Disable Device (Int): 66
Intimidate (Cha): 60
Perform (Cha): 57
Listen (Wis): 55
Open Lock (Dex): 55
Diplomacy (Cha): 53
Tumble (Dex): 52
Hide (Dex): 44
Move Silently (Dex): 41
Haggle (Cha): 39
Bluff (Cha): 36
Swim (Str): 16
Heal (Wis): 9
Repair (Int): 6