The Funk Police - Now recruiting soloists and those who don't take guilds too seriously
(note: I originally posted this in the Free Player/Guild Recruitment section and the guild has recently gained interest, so I figure I might as well post in the Khyber Guild section as well)
Current stats:
* Guild Level: 10
* Players: 6+ active players (along with some player alts)
* Contacts: Sugartrain, Benzyl, Dungflinger, Minxi
This guild was primarily created for those who mostly play solo or don't want to feel "pressured" into guild responsibilities, but still might want to join up for a raid once in a brief while.
The Funk Police might be the guild for you if....
* you want to solo most of the time
* you want to stop/slow down those annoying "join my guild" requests while in game
* you feel that guild advancement is not a priority
* you don't want to feel pressured into helping your guild
* you have a sense of humor
While we may mostly be doing our own solo things in game, there might be times where we would want to join up for a quest. If you're asked if you want to join up for a quest, but don't feel like it/ aren't in the mood/ etc.... that's fine (this is a "soloist" group after all), just kindly let the player know instead of ignoring the request.
If grouping, don't take things too seriously... it's a game. We're here to have fun. Players might die, might screw up, might blow your cover. A rogue might not be able to disable a trap. A cleric might have their own life to worry about while you're getting your butt torn apart. Respect each other and keep it fun. Keep it friendly. Keep it funky.
If interested, drop me a line here or you can contact me by doing a "/tell" or mail to "Sugartrain" in game, or to officers "Benzyl," "Dungflinger," or "Minxi."
Sugartrain Funkgasm