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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Arrow List of ex-DDO Europe & European Guilds

    Last Update: 17th August 2011 EEST

    I'm trying to make a guild list for European community. So we can find us and meet again easily/quickly. Do not forget that there is also keeper and eubies channel on Ghallanda server.

    Use the commands below to join:

    /joinchannel keeper friends
    /joinchannel eubies rock

    Amity Keepers
    ex-Server: Keeper | ex-Name: emerged from "The Order of the Sword" | Recruiting: Not actively | Leader: Cookiecrumb aka Nemesia | Web: Guild forums.
    Description: Small guild of mature, mostly casual players with focus on fun & teamplay. Hardly zerging, powergaming, farming and the like.

    Camp Naughty Bad Fun
    ex-Server: Keeper | ex-Name: Camp Naughty Bad Fun | Recruiting: Yes | Leader: Firendel | Web: unknown
    Description: Level 40 guild (as for 13th January 2011) for old Keeper players around the globe. For now we have few but very naughty core crew and we recruiting by custom circumstances(hehe). We are happy to welcome play with peoples who know the game and just wanna join to some Naughty Bad Fun.

    x Celestial Alliance x
    ex-Server: Devourer | ex-Name: N/A (new guild) | Recruiting: Yes | Leader: Tarathein, Stormface, Melanastere | Web: Guild portal.
    Description: New guild made up of ex-Devourer players. Fun and friendly guild. Casual & team play, raids, epics. Something for everyone here, if you just want to log & play casually that's fine. Also raiding available to those that want to. Epics will start when our toons are transferred. Mature English speaking guild.

    Die Freigeister
    ex-Server: Devourer | ex-Name: Die Freigeister | Recruiting: No | Leader: Salmissrah | Web: unknown
    Description: No grinding, no power gaming or power levelling, we play for fun and not for the numbers. Currently we only have German speaking members.

    Die verbannte Garde
    ex-Server: Devourer | ex-Name: Die verbannte Garde | Recruiting: Yes | Leader: Aleyana | Web: Guild forum.
    Description: We were one of the biggest German guilds on Devourer. We have currently 50 active members. We play for fun and sometimes for loot. Our raids: Epic Velah, Epic Queen, Elite ToD, and the other ones. If you want to join our guild, let me or someone else from guild or post your request and tell us about yourself in our forum.

    The Dire Badgers
    ex-Server: Dorn (Devourer) | ex-Name: The Dire Badgers | Recruiting: unknown | Leader: Feyed (and all members) | Web: unknown
    Description: Very small guild of like-minded real life friends and PnP players from Scotland.

    Dirty Monkey
    ex-Server: Keeper | ex-Name: The Muppets | Recruiting: Yes (old members only) | Leader: Petzche | Web: unknown
    Description: Mature persons who are looking for time off. RP'ing clearly unintentional.

    ex-Server: Devourer | ex-Name: ~DRAGON SLAYERS~ » 10th ASSAULT REGIMENT | Recruiting: Yes | Leader: Draugkir | Web: Guild forums.
    Description: Epics / Raiding / Having Fun main goal.

    Drunk 'n' Dangerous
    ex-Server: Keeper | ex-Name: Drunk `n Dangerous | Recruiting: Yes | Leader: Lanternal | Web: Guild portal.
    Description: Level 60 (as for 14th July 2011), Friendly, non-rushing (but sometimes rushing) and mature guild.

    Friends of Nice and Slow
    ex-Server: Keeper | ex-Name: Friends of Nice and Slow | Recruiting: Yes | Leader: Plinh, Theongard | Web: Guild portal.
    Description: We will like you at any age or size or class or alignment. As long as you are a friend of nice and slow.

    ex-Server: none (new guild formed here) | ex-Name: none (new guild formed here) | Recruiting: Yes (maximum 24 members) | Leader: Djinnxy | Web: Guild portal.
    Description: Level 25 guild (as for 19th January 2011). Have at least some basic experience. Minimum age is 18. Play times are 4-11 pm (GMT +1). We are a supportive guild helping each other. Together we are stronger. All account types.

    ex-Server: Devourer | ex-Name: High and Mighty, Reborn and Mighty | Recruiting: Yes (restricted ex-guild members only for now) | Leader: Madtom, Illarvan, Madabar | Web: Guild portal.
    Description: Small mature guild, doing pretty much anything and everything.

    In memory Of Keeper
    ex-Server: Keeper | ex-Name: Several ex-Keeper guilds. | Recruiting: Yes (ex-Keeper players only) | Leader: Surkeeper | Web: My DDO guild page.
    Description: "Remember EU Keeper"

    Keeper Elite
    ex-Server: Keeper | ex-Name: Elite | Recruiting: No | Leader: Godatwar or Teaboy | Web: Guild portal.
    Description: We can help you fail any quest in new and interesting ways. Our gimpishness knows no limits!

    ex-Server: Devourer | ex-Name: KnightsOfShadow | Recruiting: Yes (check rules on web-site) | Leader: Surhc | Web: Guild portal.
    Description: KoS is one of the last few remaining founder guilds from ex-DDO Europe. We have been around since beta and are still going strong. As a gaming clan, we play many MMO's and always follow the same ethic. That being the guild comes first and our aim is to keep the guild amongst, if not, the top guilds on the game. Often aiming to achieve world and server firsts. Teamwork is the key and we always work together to become stronger.

    La guilde des Anciens
    ex-Server: Devourer | ex-Name: La guilde des Anciens | Recruiting: Yes | Leader: Cythmos | Web: Guild forums.
    Description: Guild of French mature player (mostly 35 to 63 years old), mix of casual and regular player, mix of new player and veteran, focus on fun, friendship & teamplay. We just want to relax after a working day.

    Legends of Ancient Greece
    ex-Server: Keeper | ex-Name: Legends of Ancient Greece | Recruiting: Yes | Leader: Diass | Web: Guild forums.
    Description: Level 60 (as for 13th June 2011) casual guild for Greek players around the globe. We are happy to welcome every player who wishes to join our ranks. Only requirements are a simple registration in the forum below and the ability to understand and speak Greek. Feel free to contact us online at any time.

    Legions of Hell
    ex-Server: Devourer | ex-Name: Legions of Hell | Recruiting: Yes (very selective) | Leader: Someone | Web: Members only private forum.
    Description: International guild, main language is English. We are just friendly power-gamers, really! Playing style: Q Rush (but not too much or there's not enough time to make fun of party members!), High-End content, Guild Team-Play.

    Maniacs From Sweden
    ex-Server: Keeper | ex-Name: Maniacs From Sweden | Recruiting: Yes | Leader: Surjen | Web: MyDDO Guild Page
    Description: Swedish talking guild whit main goal to have fun.

    Mekanik Destruktiw Kommandoh
    ex-Server: Devourer | ex-Name: Mekanik Destruktiw Kommandoh | Recruiting: Yes (selective) | Leader: unknown | Web: unknown
    Description: Basicly French guild born in the early days of DDO on Onatar. Born with a base of IRL friends it has grown by recruiting few other people who had fun playing together, many have left now. We are still 7 people active from time to time. Our play style is to have fun together and do all content of the game. We are on Ghallanda since mid 2009.

    ex-Server: Devourer and Keeper | ex-Name: Mondscheingarde | Recruiting: Yes (currently German speaking only) | Leader: Ithilgalad | Web: Guild portal.
    Description: Mature guild, a bit of everything, we raid, play quests, level alts, and primarily have fun and try to help each other.

    ex-Server: Keeper | ex-Name: Nighthorde | Recruiting: Yes (restricted ex-guild members only for now) | Leader: Breez, Keeyrah | Web: Guild forums.
    Description: Fast paced team play, mature guild. What's RP?

    RcR Hrvatska
    ex-Server: none (new guild formed here) | ex-Name: none (new guild formed here) | Recruiting: Yes (Croatian speaking only) | Leader: Cavala | Officers: Unikonzum, Gocrcr, Zigacrcr, Plodine | Web: unknown
    Description: Small, friendly guild, puging epics mostly atm. Would like to get more active ppl so we can lvl up our guild to get better ship, buffs etc.

    ex-Server: Keeper | ex-Name: Serendipity | Recruiting: Yes (check rules on web-site) | Leader: Aggerson | Web: unknown
    Description: We suck more than anyone ever sucked before And we never pay the bard tax either.

    The Sovereign Knights
    ex-Server: Devourer, Thelanis | ex-Name: The Sovereign Knights | Recruiting: Yes (very selective) | Leader: All members | Web: unknown
    Description: Small guild with mostly Nordic members. We do pretty much anything and everything. Guild rule: Griefing fellow members is encouraged (in good nature of course).

    Reorganised Chaos
    ex-Server: Keeper | ex-Name: Disorganised Chaos | Recruiting: Yes | Leader: Aestarin | Web: unknown
    Description: Small guild who don't take themselves too seriously. Good natured abuse of fellow guild members is allowed (within reason).

    The Rusty Nails Adventurers
    ex-Server: Devourer | ex-Name: The Rusty Nails Adventurers | Recruiting: Yes (in theory) | Leader: Learael | Web: Guild portal.
    Description: The Rusties are one of the oldest Europe guilds. We used to hold server events, we were the first Lyrandar players to do elite Titan. have mock rivalry fights with other guilds and all that fun stuff high end guilds do when they are having fun. Rusties aren't allowed to take themselves seriously, making fun of each other is encouraged, griefing fellow members is allowed (in good nature) and if you happen to fall asleep while playing, it's okay.

    The Spellswords
    ex-Server: Keeper | ex-Name: The Spellswords | Recruiting: Yes (selective) | Leader: Barundar | Web: Guild portal.
    Description: Light RP, non-rushing and mature guild.

    ex-Server: Keeper | ex-Name: Wolfsrudel | Recruiting: Yes | Leader: Rhowland | Web: Guild forums.
    Description: Small guild with about 10 - 15 active accounts, mostly mature players. Guild language is German and everybody who can understand us is welcome. Playing style: Team-play, non-rushing, light RP. Greatest desire in the game: having fun.

    PS: You can let me know your guild information if you're already decided to stay Ghallanda and re-form your guild. Or your guild members are mainly from European players.

    Information I need is:
    Your guild name in Ghallanda.
    Your guild name in ex-DDO-Europe (if you're from ex-DDO Europe).
    Guild leader character name in here (if your leader haven't opened a toon in here just leave it empty).
    Recruiting status (yes, no, yes but restrictions, etc)
    Web site url.
    And small description (1 line) about your guild (playing style, rp status, online times, mature/teens, etc).
    Last edited by hdogan; 08-17-2011 at 06:57 AM. Reason: Removed Elite Force :(

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Jun 2008


    Here we go, added Drunk'n Dangerous, The Spellwords and Wolfsrudel from ex-Keeper.

    I've seen some other guild members from ex-Keeper/Devourer running like a crazy in Korthos. Please let me know your guild status. And also I need information about Friends of Nice and Slow, have they decided to stay here or will continue on Thelanis?

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Added Nighthorde from ex-Keeper too...

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Jun 2008

    Thumbs up

    Added o DRAGON SLAYERS o from ex-Devourer.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Added Friends of Nice and Slow.

    Be nice and be slow, do not RUSH
    Server: Ghallanda Guild: Drunk 'n' Dangerous
    * Lanternal - Warforged/Wizard 20
    * Other Toons: Pancar, LoranisEU, Karete and other retired ones.
    Ghallanda Europen Guild List - Thelanis European Guild List

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Jun 2008


    Added Mondscheingarde.

    Hallo German friends *wave*
    Server: Ghallanda Guild: Drunk 'n' Dangerous
    * Lanternal - Warforged/Wizard 20
    * Other Toons: Pancar, LoranisEU, Karete and other retired ones.
    Ghallanda Europen Guild List - Thelanis European Guild List

  7. #7
    Community Member Illarvan's Avatar
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    Jun 2009


    ex-Server: Devourer | ex-Name: High and Mighty/ Reborn and Mighty | Recruiting: (ex guild members only | Leader: Madtom (Illarvan/Madabar) | Web:
    Description: Small mature guild, doing pretty much anything and everything.
    ~Illarvan~ Rog 4| ~Madabar~ Src 25 | Leader of HaM | Raphaela Clr 23 | ~Cerebal~ FvS 25
    Barb 23 | ~Thevillage~ Art 23 | Dulcia Pal 23 | Saucie Rgr 23 | Knomdam Monk 23 | ~Floozy~ Ftr 20 | Taruz Wiz 20 | Malinder Rog 20
    We are recruiting!

  8. #8
    Community Member Juppstein's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Die Freigeister
    ex-Server: Devourer | ex-Name: Die Freigeister | Recruiting: Not at the moment | Leader: Salmissrah | Web: no interwebs portal available.
    Description: No grinding, no powergaming or power levelling, we play for fun and not for the numbers. Currently we only have German speaking members.

  9. #9
    Community Member Dissindra's Avatar
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    Nov 2009

    Default Friends of Nice and slow on Ghallanda

    yes, with the news of EU players probably beeing transferred to Ghallanda, we sort of put Thelanis aside and built guild and new chars on Ghallanda. and I must say, this place is already crawling with us; got around 10 players online in the evening/night (last time counted at 8pm GMT); and we are all very happy and thrilled to meet and start anew ...

    I guess, we will stay in Ghallanda now, whatever Turbine or anybody else would be coming up with.

    +++ hdogan, thanks a lot for creating this thread
    see Stormreach Illustrated here
    meet us Friends of Nice and Slow at
    chars on Ghallanda: Plinh, Terkaan, Moonbee, Olywer, Dissindra, Nonom, Jeahnna

  10. #10
    Community Member tarathein's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    x Celestial Alliance x
    ex-Server: Devourer | New guild made up of Ex Devourer Players | Recruiting: Yes | Leader: Tarathein / Stormface / Melanastere | Web:
    Description: Fun, Friendly Guild. Casual & team play / Raids / Epics. Something for everyone here, if you just want to log & play casually thats fine. Also raiding available to those that want to. Epics will start when our toons are transferred. Mature English speaking Guild

  11. #11
    Community Member
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    Jul 2009


    Guild: The Rusty Nails Adventurers
    From: Lyrandar/Devourer, same name
    Leader: Learael
    Recruiting: well... in theory yes
    Description: the rusties are one of the oldest Europe guilds, we used to hold server events, we were the first lyrandar players to do elite titan, have mock rivalry fights with other guilds and all that fun stuff high end guilds do when they are having fun. Rusties aren't allowed to take themselves seriously, making fun of each other is encouraged, griefing fellow members is allowed (in good nature) and if you happen to fall asleep while playing, it's okay !

    baaaah means no
    Blame Belo (he is on Thelanis, so it's still allowed!)
    have fun

  12. #12
    Community Member Mark2422's Avatar
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    Sep 2007


    Guild: KnightsOfShadow
    From: Lyrandar/Devourer, same name
    Leader: Surhc
    Recruiting: Yes
    Description: KoS is one of the last few remaining founder guilds from DDO Europe. We have been around since beta and are still going strong. As a gaming clan, we play many MMO's and always follow the same ethic. That being the Guild comes first and our aim is to keep the guild amongst, if not, the top guilds on the game. Often aiming to achieve world and server firsts. Teamwork is the key and we always work together to become stronger.

    Are on the website in the DDO forum section.
    Toons: Markeyx Markeyi, MarkeyKoS, MarkeyKoS-1
    Guild: Attrition

  13. #13
    Community Member
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    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Lear_beta View Post
    Guild: The Rusty Nails Adventurers
    From: Lyrandar/Devourer, same name
    A few of my toons were guilded in the Rusties in the Lyrandar days, so welcome to Ghallanda peeps. Hope running with you will be as fun as in the old days.

  14. #14
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    Added HaM, Die Freigeister, x Celestial Alliance x, The Rusty Nails Adventurers, KnightsOfShadow.

    Tyvm for the informations m8s
    Server: Ghallanda Guild: Drunk 'n' Dangerous
    * Lanternal - Warforged/Wizard 20
    * Other Toons: Pancar, LoranisEU, Karete and other retired ones.
    Ghallanda Europen Guild List - Thelanis European Guild List

  15. #15
    Community Member Dissindra's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    just because I can: posting our official guild text for Ghallanda PLUS icon

    - - - - - - -

    Oh, all those corridors and pits and steps and doors and tunnels and pools ... - I get so confused down there.
    That's why we like to do it nice and slow.

    To the left, they say! Well, I'm a girl, where should I know what side that is Back there was a shrine, they say!
    Hey, I am lucky when I remember the last two rooms, let alone the whole map! So we stay together and move as one.
    No soul gets lost. No part of the family has to walk alone in the dark.

    And if some of us want to count the golden hearts in the hobgoblin chief's carpet then we wait for them
    (and think about some new hobgoblin jokes). Yes, we know: time is xp. But, you see, there are more important things.
    Like the person behind that armed character, like roleplaying and solving quests and finding lost treasure and punishing the guilty
    and having a good look at the scenery and beeing fond of the details (or do you know the colour of an ogre's eyes?).


    Name: Friends of Nice and Slow
    Leader: Plinh
    Active Memebers: around 30
    Recruiting: all the time looking for more friendly citizens to join the family
    Origin: European servers (Aureon, Keeper) June 2006, on Ghallanda since May 2010

    We have no regular schedule. We just come to Stormreach, have an eye open for each other and join whatever questing
    we desire. FONAS is about freedom and friendly people. There are member's alts in other guilds, too.

    We will like you at any age or size or class or alignment. As long as you are a friend of nice and slow.
    Mail or speak to Theongard or Plinh .. or any other familiy member. We are ALWAYS looking for more nice and slow citizens
    to join the family, so you don't need to ask whether we are recruiting at a given time :-)

    cu there, sweetie.

    Last edited by Dissindra; 03-14-2011 at 08:43 AM.
    see Stormreach Illustrated here
    meet us Friends of Nice and Slow at
    chars on Ghallanda: Plinh, Terkaan, Moonbee, Olywer, Dissindra, Nonom, Jeahnna

  16. #16
    Community Member
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    Bump! Hey! We're not just 13 guilds here! Please let me know your details. I have seen lots of ex-Keeper and ex-Devourer guilds running left and right. Please tell your friends in other guilds about this thread.
    Server: Ghallanda Guild: Drunk 'n' Dangerous
    * Lanternal - Warforged/Wizard 20
    * Other Toons: Pancar, LoranisEU, Karete and other retired ones.
    Ghallanda Europen Guild List - Thelanis European Guild List

  17. #17
    Community Member Dragavon's Avatar
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    Sep 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by hdogan View Post
    Information I need is:

    Your guild name in Ghallandara.


    Your guild name in ex-DDO-Europe (if you're from ex-DDO Europe).

    Serendipity on Keeper, before that on Boldrei

    Guild leader character name in here (if your leader haven't opened a toon in here just leave it empty).


    Recruiting status (yes, no, yes but restrictions, etc)

    Not really, but nice people may get anvited.

    Web site url.

    And small description (1 line) about your guild (playing style, rp status, online times, mature/teens, etc)

    We suck more than anyone ever sucked before
    And we never pay the bard tax either.

  18. #18
    Community Member aleyana's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    Guild: Die verbannte Garde
    From: Devourer, same name
    Leader: Aleyana
    Recruiting: Yes

    We are one of the biggest german guilds on Devourer. and i think on Ghalanda too :-)
    Atm we have 50 active Members.
    We play for Fun and sometimes for Loot^^
    Our raids: Velah epic, Queen epic, Tower elite,and the normal Raids too^^
    If you want to join our Guild, tell me or someone else from my Guild ingame or post something about you in our Forum.

    It is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have them and not deserve them.
    Mark Twain
    Last edited by aleyana; 09-03-2010 at 11:41 AM.

  19. #19
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    Thank you very much for information m8s, I've added Serendipity from Keeper and Die verbannte Gare from Devourer.
    Server: Ghallanda Guild: Drunk 'n' Dangerous
    * Lanternal - Warforged/Wizard 20
    * Other Toons: Pancar, LoranisEU, Karete and other retired ones.
    Ghallanda Europen Guild List - Thelanis European Guild List

  20. #20
    Community Member aleyana's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    hi me again^^
    Our Guildname is : Die verbannte Garde^^
    thx for your great job :-))

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