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  1. #1
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Default Do different "banes" vary in frequency?

    My 12 ranger needs a two-handed magical beast bane weapon for trash mobs in Vale; many of them are not evil, so her usual holy weapons are not optimal. On AH I went through all two-handed weapons ML 8-12: plenty of evil/lawful outsider bane, human, halfling and dwarf bane, couple monstrous humanoid bane. NONE of what I was looking for -- nor undead bane either. The latter I can understand -- undead banes get snapped up fast, -- but I would not expect magical beast banes to be that popular. Or are they just plain rare?

    After several days of fruitless search on AH, I posted on Cannith Marketplace: "Will trade Shield Fragment Two for ML 12 greater Magical Beast bane, two handed". Given the price of shield fragments on AH, I thought it is a quite generous offer, but no takers so far.

    Last night for the first time I see something in that ML range... True Law greatsword of Greater Magical Best Bane, 15K minimum, 50K buyout. True Law?? Are there ANY chaotic M. B.'s anywhere in DDO? Is that some kind of a joke? (And no, I did not bid on it.)

    Are some banes are rarer than others?
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  2. #2
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    magical beast banes are most of the time useless, thats why you dont find them
    there just arent enough magical beasts to justify them carrying
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  3. #3
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    I just think most people don't bother putting magical beast bane weapons on the AH, because they won't sell. There aren't that many magical beasts that one need worry about: just get something like a Shock of Pure Good weapon--that should be sufficient. What magical beasts do you really need all that extra attack and damage for?
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  4. #4
    Community Member Bodic's Avatar
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    magical beast bane vale what winter wolves that is it right. I would not carry that for them.

    some banes are not worth it that is why you dont find them in AH they are Vendor trash. sure they can be useful, but how often is it worth to carry them.

    Example its worth while to have dragon banes yes, but they sit in the bank unless I am running a dragon. they take up space for 1 fight.

  5. #5
    Community Member Crann's Avatar
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    True law works on neutral also, not just chaotic.

    Which mobs in the vale are you concerned about? If it is the spiders, then using puncturing weapons, that is their DR. Get good + puncturing weapons, and you have the Rakshasa covered also.

    If you are a level 12 ranger, you should be using TWF....using the correct DR bypassing weapons.

    Edit: Looks like you are AA, puncturing would def. be covered for spiders.

  6. #6
    The Hatchery Drekisen's Avatar
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    U can always just get some nice bursting weapons too.....did u try looking at every weapon type for Magical Beast Bane...I usually do not have a problem finding them.

    Are you looking for a specific type?

    The only magical beasts I can think of that are not evil in the Vale are the Winter Wolves and the Crimson Foot spiders.....if ur looking for something to do damage to the spiders because of their DR all u need are piercing weps to bypass it.
    Last edited by vVvAiaynAvVv; 08-20-2010 at 09:22 AM.

  7. #7
    The Hatchery Drekisen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodic View Post
    magical beast bane vale what winter wolves that is it right. I would not carry that for them.

    some banes are not worth it that is why you dont find them in AH they are Vendor trash. sure they can be useful, but how often is it worth to carry them.

    Example its worth while to have dragon banes yes, but they sit in the bank unless I am running a dragon. they take up space for 1 fight.
    Crimson Foot spiders, Winter Wolves, Fiendish Scorpions, Fiendish Lions, and I think the bats are MB's too.

  8. #8
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sephiroth1084 View Post
    IWhat magical beasts do you really need all that extra attack and damage for?
    Vale: crimsonfoots, twilight rats, fiendish scorpions, fiendish lions, fiendish bats, winter wolves
    Coalescence Chamber: fiendish bats

    I know none of them are that terrible, and my 12 ranger can certainly handle them with her current weapons individually. My concern is about them coming in swarms, which is why I want a two-handed weapon for glancing blows.
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  9. #9


    While the Fiendish should make the bats magical beasts.. I think they are still subtyped as animals.

    Op, if you can stand it, you could always pick up the evil bunny hat, which has the bonus of appling greater magical beast bane to great clubs. (I think it is a greater bane it bestows.)

  10. #10
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    While the Fiendish should make the bats magical beasts.. I think they are still subtyped as animals.

    Op, if you can stand it, you could always pick up the evil bunny hat, which has the bonus of appling greater magical beast bane to great clubs. (I think it is a greater bane it bestows.)
    Sure I can stand it, but... are you sure? I just googled Fiendish Rabbit Helm, and AFAICT all it does is add +5 to Jump skill.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Rubiconn's Avatar
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    I have no problems with my holy weapons doing decent damage in the vale. Are you missing or just not doing damage?

  12. #12
    Community Member Crann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brian14 View Post
    Sure I can stand it, but... are you sure? I just googled Fiendish Rabbit Helm, and AFAICT all it does is add +5 to Jump skill.
    He is correct...a friend uses it all the time, might be a hidden effect.

  13. #13
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    I wonder if other DDO Store hats have hidden effects!

    And to answer Rubiconn -- this is entirely in-preparation. I had not even been to Vale yet, let alone Coalescence Chamber. If you all think my concerns are misplaced... I'll forget the whole thing.

    I prefer to use bow; TWF when I have to. My default set against evil creatures is frost holy burst bastard sword of pure good and holy burst light hammer of pure good. Against spiders/scorpions I use warhammer and kukri of (greater? don't remember) vermin bane. Worst magical beasts I met so far are razorcats (DR 10/bashing); against those I use vicious warhammer and whatever shield I have handy.

    My biggest experience in handling swarms comes from Rat Hill in Orchard. I found that what weapon I use is less important than having at least one summoned creature to keep pressure off me. I also found (with different toons) that two-handed is by far the best option against bats of any kind.

    Maybe I should get another short sword (I already have one) for Crimsonfoots, and some modest two-hander for bats, and stop obssessing about GMB bane
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  14. #14
    The Hatchery teh_meh's Avatar
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    Whisperdoom ****ed me off so much on my solo campaign, I went out and found a +1 long sword of GREATER magical beast bane (I'm feat spec'd for pierce). It chops her up as a +5

    That was about a month ago and I haven't used it since. >>>This<<< close to chucking it, now that I'm done with that spider once and for all.

    But I secretly fear that the devs will bring Whisperdoom back yet again...somehow...just because...
    Probably make her undead and ethereal in addition to impregnable and capable of spam-filling caverns with acid, poison, blindness, curses and whatever else she has in her foul repertoire.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by brian14 View Post
    I wonder if other DDO Store hats have hidden effects!
    It is a hidden effect.

    The fluffy bunny had adds +3 to your UMD checks, but ONLY to wands and scrolls. This does not stack with the Golden Cartoush.

    The ninja mask I *think* offers a hidden bonus to.. it is either hide or move silently. Whichever one isn't stated.

    These are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head.

  16. #16
    Community Member Ganolyn's Avatar
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    If you can't find a good energy burst of PG weapon for neutrals, try a stat damaging type. Wounders bring them down pretty well most times if DPS is still your main concern.
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  17. #17
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    True Law?? Are there ANY chaotic M. B.'s anywhere in DDO?
    Irrelevant, since True Law hits Neutral as well as Chaotic.

    Are some banes are rarer than others?
    Some banes are rarer on the auction house than others. With magical beasts being so rare and so generally harmless, nobody bothers trying to sell a bane against them, because the odds are overwhelming that it won't sell. Better to just broker it straight away and avoid the hassle.

    Crimson Foot spiders, Winter Wolves, Fiendish Scorpions, Fiendish Lions, and I think the bats are MB's too.
    Winter Wolves, Fiendish Lions-Scorpions-Bats (oh my!) are also evil, so Holy works just fine on them.

    It's really just the spiders and the hyenas. The hyenas aren't magical beasts. So...yea, I wouldn't be carrying around a weapon just for the spiders.
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  18. #18
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    Winter Wolves, Fiendish Lions-Scorpions-Bats (oh my!) are also evil, so Holy works just fine on them.

    It's really just the spiders and the hyenas. The hyenas aren't magical beasts. So...yea, I wouldn't be carrying around a weapon just for the spiders.
    Agree. It was a foolish thing to start with.

    I did end up buying a weapons "for spiders", but it will also have other uses: Keen shortsword of improved destruction. Since crimsonfoots have DR/piercing, I will TWF them with that one plus my other shortsword: Axiomatic icy burst with Force Critical ritual. Should work even if Axiomatic does not affect them -- and improved destruction will come handy in many other situations.
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by sephiroth1084 View Post
    I just think most people don't bother putting magical beast bane weapons on the AH, because they won't sell. There aren't that many magical beasts that one need worry about: just get something like a Shock of Pure Good weapon--that should be sufficient. What magical beasts do you really need all that extra attack and damage for?
    In module 5 the devs added a named +5 Dagger of Greater Magical Beast Bane.

    I tried to tell them how pathetically weak it was... but no luck. They left it as is. If only there had been a Purple Worm raid it could've made sense... (I believe my suggestions were something like Greater Lightning Resist, Greater Acid Resist, Animal-bane, and Vermin-bane, which would still have a left a really unattractive item)

  20. #20
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    In module 5 the devs added a named +5 Dagger of Greater Magical Beast Bane.
    From the link:

    "With this blade, Abish Mornot slew a Behir from inside out."

    There are behirs in DDO? And purple worms? News to me!
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