My 12 ranger needs a two-handed magical beast bane weapon for trash mobs in Vale; many of them are not evil, so her usual holy weapons are not optimal. On AH I went through all two-handed weapons ML 8-12: plenty of evil/lawful outsider bane, human, halfling and dwarf bane, couple monstrous humanoid bane. NONE of what I was looking for -- nor undead bane either. The latter I can understand -- undead banes get snapped up fast, -- but I would not expect magical beast banes to be that popular. Or are they just plain rare?

After several days of fruitless search on AH, I posted on Cannith Marketplace: "Will trade Shield Fragment Two for ML 12 greater Magical Beast bane, two handed". Given the price of shield fragments on AH, I thought it is a quite generous offer, but no takers so far.

Last night for the first time I see something in that ML range... True Law greatsword of Greater Magical Best Bane, 15K minimum, 50K buyout. True Law?? Are there ANY chaotic M. B.'s anywhere in DDO? Is that some kind of a joke? (And no, I did not bid on it.)

Are some banes are rarer than others?