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  1. #21
    Community Member rossiza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AyumiAmakusa View Post
    I'd rather they sell Portable Holes in the store than Large Devil Scales, don't you?
    Ofcourse, but neither is still better. More inventory space makes your life easier, if theres a button to buy more inventory space it becomes an easy button. Just like the crafting ingredients in there already, not having to grind them makes your life easier. I understand Turbine profit benefits the games but people go ape for customization of character, maybe they should focus on more of that in store. Beyond Hair Dye and hats.
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  2. #22
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    I have many active builds (VIP), switching on my mood and what groups are available. A couple builds do have the 5 slots. One got the portable hole (PH) from favor, the other from the AH for about 40k plat but that was in the days before the switch to pp - since then prices have jumped way up. Unlike those with a few capped builds, I don't have much plat to waste at the AH for a PH (have to go hunt rares in the Vale to get food for the kids...).

    There are lots of builds where inventory isn't a major issue (e.g. pure fvs or a barbarian).
    But there are plenty of builds where it can be quite bad, even by level 8. Some examples are umd builds, various splash builds and other multi-class builds (dual wielding, heavy wand whipping and/or scroll use, etc.). I like playing complex builds especially as often do quests solo, 2-person or with sub-optimal groups (many pugs...).
    I probably would get PH via TP for at least 3 active builds. The other builds can wait to get it by favor.
    And yes, anything that can go in a bag is in a bag and stuff not needed, goes to one of the mules or is sold or left at the bank, etc.

    The favor reward is either a PH or a crystal (for feat swap). The crystal is available in the store. I'd expect a PH to be similar in TP to the other choice for favor reward (195 TP?).
    Outside of the portable hole, I'd suggest to keep favor requirement and payment needed.

    But the point is there is
    1. Turbine can make some money (good for everyone).
    2. It is not an "easy button" (unlike that beholder/mummy protection ... ugh) nor game changing.
    3. It will improve the game experience for many and won't impact anyone else.

  3. #23
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    Before AH changed to plat, normal price for a portable hole was about 150k gold.... so no, 150k plat is not a reasonable price for portable holes!

    while i myself have never pulled one, there are many ppl who do regularly (i believe i just never kept long enough at the level range where they drop), so do not fall into the trap believing they are worth so much...

    just keep asking for ppl around the server if they might sell you one at a reasonable price

  4. #24
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    I was recently able to buy one for 15K plat on Ghallanda (that being the 150K gold I promised myself i would never pay more than), but I have to say, the average "good" price in the AH there is 60K plat.

    I have had several near-arguments (only avoided because I refuse to argue about pixel money) lately with people about the unrealistically high price of some of this stuff, and have been told that I "just don't understand what stuff is worth". To all those out there who feel that way, let me just state for the record, I absolutely understand what "stuff" is worth. It is worth (to me) exactly what I am willing to pay for it. If you think it is worth more, then don't sell it to me, sell it to someone who believes you. If I offer you 5K plat for a +4 mithril full plate (for example), trust me, that's all I think it is worth (to me), and calling me names will NOT make me want to buy it for your price of 50K plat (or whatever).

    Anyway, i suppose there is always hope that enough people will refuse to pay these prices, and eventually the prices will come down to where they were before the AH change to the "plat standard".

  5. #25
    Community Member Irinis's Avatar
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    Hah, yeah... someone tried to sell me one on Ghallanda for 40kpp and claimed I was lying when I said I saw one in AH for that. I'm not paying that much, wouldn't have the plat to activate it if I did. Ridiculous.

    So then the person got all mad at me and told me to wait for the favor reward then.

    Yeah I've already waited 6 levels, trying to get a break here!
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  6. #26
    Founder PurdueDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SINIBYTE View Post
    Am I the only one that just gives them away to newbies?

  7. #27
    Community Member Nott's Avatar
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    If you need a portable hole, and you have bad luck finding them and are unwilling to pay AH prices (which can easily be rediculously too high one day, and reasonably priced the next), and your efforts at using the /trade channel to find someone willing to give you one, or sell you one for a decent price... go earn the GH favor to get it. You have a LOT of options without one in the TP store.

    Many players have collected them, and give them away to people in need, or use them to trade with (for plat or items). This is an item that predates the store by several years... don't ask to remove all value from those portable holes people have collected -- placing them in the store would do exactly that, and it's a selfish request, given that there is plenty of opportunity in-game to get one in several different ways.

  8. #28
    Community Member thwart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    They sell, quickly, for 50k PP. If I saw one at 20-25k, I'd buy it to resell.
    I bought one on Ghallanda for 10k ... therefore, I won't pay more than that. That is probably why I have to find them myself now.

  9. #29
    Community Member Robi3.0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rossiza View Post
    Ofcourse, but neither is still better. More inventory space makes your life easier, if theres a button to buy more inventory space it becomes an easy button. Just like the crafting ingredients in there already, not having to grind them makes your life easier. I understand Turbine profit benefits the games but people go ape for customization of character, maybe they should focus on more of that in store. Beyond Hair Dye and hats.
    I agree there needs to be way more character customization in store. I however disagree that portable hole should be exclude from the store. Already the store sales inventory space in the form of bank slots and shared bank slots. Selling portable holes is no different than that except that you still need to pay plat to activate it and portable hole are give as favor reward they are not loot you have to grind a raid for.

    Portable holes aren't worth much grinding favor for them sucks BTW the only place you get them for favor is form Gainthold and not everyone is going to own that AP. Also people seem to forget that the other award choice for that tier of Argo favor is already on sale in the store.
    there's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart. If you value your continued existence. If you have any plans on seeing tomorrow then there's one thing you never, ever put in a trap.

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