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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Exclamation Cant Install - File corrupt? Downloaded 3 times

    Hello all I am having some issues. Got a perfectly good hard drive on a FRESH windows 7 64 bit install. Had no trouble on this system with the low rez version but just upgraded graphics and decided to reformat.

    I am trying to install the high resolution version. Pando downloads it with no problems on my wired connection, and it installs fine EVERY TIME up until you get to client_sound.dat, then it gives me an "abort retry ignore" dialoge telling me that the file is corrupt. I have deleted and redownloaded 3 times now and am still having the same problem. Obviously this is not a simple fix and I dunno what I could be doing wrong. Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Tried ignore...

    So I've tried a bunch more times, hitting the "ignore" and then letting the game patch itself and lots of other things. Still nogo on this one. Retrying the failed dat during installation doesnt get it. Downloading it over and over doesnt get it. When I hit ignore and let it patch it says "Game Error 201: Can't open the data files. Check that they exsist an that you have permission to write to them. The program will now exit[201]"

  3. #3
    Community Member spunkrawker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Hey there

    Yeah, I had this kind of problem...but for me it was client_surface.dat and client_sound.dat that were corrupt. I had to download the entire game 3 times, but I eventually got it to download without corrupt files.

    Here's what I did...
    - Open Pando Media Booster from the Windows control panel, set connections port and made sure router was forwarding properly. Also, changed PMB's default upload speed to
    1 kbs.

    -Delete all traces of DDO from my PC. Downloaded new files from

    -Turn off all programs and non-critical processes while download/install was happening (esp. torrent clients/ downloaders). Best to just leave the computer alone while you download.

    best of luck!
    C.L.A.W. of Thelanis
    Mowce: rog/ran/ftr | Soalanthen: wiz | Dwillon: ftr/ran | Phaelum: bardbarian | Sengbing: monk

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2008


    What should I do if I don't have pando media booster?

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