So the idea i had was to build a sorc lvl8 then switch to 12lvls of favored soul. take the metamagic maximize empower extend empower healing, then make sure i dump all my skill points into UMD and concentration. Lookin for opinians on how i should build this char with the idea in mind that im focusing on being both a secondary caster and healer, sort of a utility char that is actually helpful. My thoughts were that with the meta magics, it wont hurt my spell dmg too much inspite of not taking more sorc lvls, and i plan to use equipment to add a good crit chance to my spells, i would likely use two sets of wepons one for heal boosts and one for spell boosts. Any advice is apreciated, as i have a fairly nice lvl 6 sorc right now i dont wanna ruin her by making a bad choice.