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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Dec 2009

    Post Sorc/Favored Soul-Help my build!

    So the idea i had was to build a sorc lvl8 then switch to 12lvls of favored soul. take the metamagic maximize empower extend empower healing, then make sure i dump all my skill points into UMD and concentration. Lookin for opinians on how i should build this char with the idea in mind that im focusing on being both a secondary caster and healer, sort of a utility char that is actually helpful. My thoughts were that with the meta magics, it wont hurt my spell dmg too much inspite of not taking more sorc lvls, and i plan to use equipment to add a good crit chance to my spells, i would likely use two sets of wepons one for heal boosts and one for spell boosts. Any advice is apreciated, as i have a fairly nice lvl 6 sorc right now i dont wanna ruin her by making a bad choice.

  2. #2
    Community Member frznvimes's Avatar
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    Your spell dcs would be very low (don't expect enemies to fail their saves), your caster levels would be low, and you'd only have access to 1 4th level sorc spell and 1 6th level fs spell. Meta magic won't make up the difference offensively (your healing would would be expensive but could work). Multiclassing as a rule is pretty hard on spell casting and this is doubly true with sorcs and favored souls because they can't rearrange their spellbooks like wizards and clerics and have slower spell progression. You'd be better off focusing on your umd skill and using divine magic from wands and scrolls, or just making a blade barrier focused divine caster.
    If you really want a utility character that mixes divine and arcane magic you'd probably be happier mixing wizard and cleric levels so that you could at least adjust your spell book regularly and have more casting slots (blade barrier and heal, firewall and stoneskin).
    Last edited by frznvimes; 08-19-2010 at 11:56 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Wow, two people's first posts in the very same thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by dreadjonny View Post
    Any advice is apreciated, as i have a fairly nice lvl 6 sorc right now i dont wanna ruin her by making a bad choice.
    Don't do sorc8/fvs12 unless you intentionally want to be a weak character, such as to make everything more challenging for you.

    The standard rule is to never take a level of a spellcaster class unless you're going to have most of your levels in that class. Otherwise your spells won't be useful compared to the obstacles you'll face. Just imagine you teamed up a sorc8 and fvs12 and told them to go do a level 20 quest; would they be able to survive and contribute?

    A useful question to ask: Have you played a level 20 Sorc or FVS yet? If not, is it a good idea to try a weird variant before observing how things work normally?

  4. #4
    Community Member Spookyaction's Avatar
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    I have to agree this is prolly not a good idea for a new player, but I wonder how well a firewall in a blade barrier would be.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spookyaction View Post
    I have to agree this is prolly not a good idea for a new player, but I wonder how well a firewall in a blade barrier would be.
    From a high level Wiz/Sorc and *another* high level Cleric/FvS very good.

    From a single 50/50 split hybrid, not. Firewall scales with levels, higher level caster, more damage, Blades have DC and scale with level. The "problem" is monsters HPs and saves also scale with levels.

    Weak+weak != strong in this case.

  6. #6
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    dont do it
    Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
    *insert axe*
    o o

  7. #7
    Community Member r3dl4nce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dreadjonny View Post
    So the idea i had was to build a sorc lvl8 then switch to 12lvls of favored soul.
    Trash this idea

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