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  1. #1
    Community Member fool101's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default 8/6/6 monk/ranger/fighter

    I was hoping for a general suggestions on a build utilizing the ninja spy monk line. I am looking to create a build that is #1 fun, #2 sustainable, #3 viable (not necessarily top end dps) at end game.

    I am fairly new, have a level 17 wiz, but am looking for a hack and slash build for times when I tire of fighting from afar.

    I am open to changing any level combination of said classes provided there is some ninja spy (w/shortswords). As hinted, my current plan is for 8/6/6, ninja spy, tempest, kensai,

    Stats - halfling (32 point)
    14 str
    16 dex
    14 con
    12 int
    14 wis
    8 char

    (will use +1 int tome for combat expertise)

    feats of my current plan:
    1 Monk toughness power attack
    2 Monk weapon finesse
    3 Monk dodge
    4 Monk
    5 Monk
    6 Monk mobility, spring attack
    7 ranger
    8 ranger (twf granted)
    9 ranger weapon focus: piercing
    10 ranger
    11 ranger
    12 ranger (itwf), GTWF
    13 fighter improved crit: piercing
    14 fighter improved trip
    15 fighter combat expertise
    16 fighter weapon spec: shortsword
    17 fighter
    18 fighter power critical, whirlwind attack
    19 Monk
    20 Monk

    I plan to max, balance and keep concent up as much as possible, with some ranks in jump, MS, hide, and inti. (to increase the effectiveness of WWA. One rank in UMD and tumble.

    any constructive criticism would be appreciated. I thought this was somewhat creative since I was unable to find anything in the forums that was similar to this, and I thought it looked like a lot of fun to play. As I mentioned, if it would be a superior advantage of say Ninja Spy II, Tempest I; or Ninja Spy I, Kensai II, or similar combinations please speak up.


  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Tempest I is not as useful as it was prior to update 5. Multiclassing 6 levels of Ranger just for it may not be the best way to get more DPS.

    Look at the Solar Phoenix build for a multiclass that works well.
    If you want Fighter for kensaii, consider 12 fighter, 7 monk, 1 rogue.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    i agree, all the varients of the phoenix builds are pretty good. Ranger 6 just isn't as good anymore and you might as well go ranger 12 or even just w/ the exploiter build. as for monk 3, 6 - 7 go light path for the healing. i wouldn't even think of dark path for multiclass for extra dps til at least lvl 12 or just go pure dark monk as you're just going to gimp your self.

    the common phoenix mixes i've been seeing lately are:

    1. pal HotD 12 or 15/ light monk 3 - 7 / rog 1 or ftr 1

    2. rgr tempest 12 / light monk 3 - 7/ rog 1 - 5

    3. dark monk 12 or 13 / fighter kensai 6 / rog 1 or 2

    4. ftr kensai 12 / monk 3 - 7 / rog 1 - 5

    i myself have been racking my brain lately if i want to try out one of these ideas

  4. #4
    Community Member fool101's Avatar
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    Based on these suggestions I have modified (simplified) the build a bit but still need a bit of help.

    The plan now is for 12/8 or 13/7 ninja spy II/kensai I.

    1 Monk Toughness, Power attack
    2 Monk Weapon Finesse
    3 Monk Dodge
    4 Monk
    5 Monk
    6 Monk Twf, Itwf
    7 Monk
    8 Monk
    9 Monk Weapon focus: piercing
    10 Monk
    11 Monk
    12 Monk Gtwf (impr crit: shortsword granted)
    13 fighter combat expertise
    14 fighter improved trip
    15 fighter (blank)
    16 fighter weapon specialization
    17 fighter
    18 fighter two weapon defense
    19 fighter
    20 fighter (blank)

    Same starting stats as before

    I know that using fists will likely be quite a bit higher DPS (although epic Zypher shortswords might balance that out), but I just wanted to give this a try and see how it works; it looks like fun.

    I just can't figure out what to insert in the missing feat slots. I've considered luck of heros, greater weapon focus, dropping two weapon defense and going with the whirlwind attack tree (or simply just spring attack and mobility). I would like to go at least 7 levels of fighter for the enhancements that open up at that point and maybe 13 monk would be better for the SR.

  5. #5
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    For this build concept, I would go rogue 1 / monk 7 / fighter 12: monk 8 and ftr 13 are boring lvls; while rogue 1 would give you an extra d6 SA and UMD.

    You could also adapt Thanimal's HHHH: it's a light-path monk 7 / wizard 1 / ftr 12 build w/Dragonmarks using handwraps, but it wouldn't be hard to switch it to dark path w/short swords; less self-healing but more DPS (I think).

  6. #6
    Community Member fool101's Avatar
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    Sep 2009



    last time I hope. As much as I would love to do the shortswords I think I have settled on not using them. I am currently running my character at level 8 monk now and he is going to go 12/8 monk/fighter. Same feats and starting stats

    Halfling (32 point finesse build/wind stance)
    14 str
    16 dex
    14 con
    12 int
    14 wis
    8 char

    notable feats/enhancements:
    improved trip, stunning fist - coupled with +1 DC for Kensei and +1 each from fighter enhancements

    unarmed damage 2d6 from monk and +4 from fighter (1 Kensai, 2 weapon spec, 1 weapon spec enhancement)

    Then I thought to make this guy even better I may TR him (would be my first one so we'll see how it feels the first time through to 20) to 12/8 fighter/monk strength based (ouch for halfling);

    15 str
    16 dex
    14 con
    11 int
    14 wis
    8 char

    Dark side monk again for shadow fade

    taking stunning blow in addition to the previous combat feats would allow +2 DC from Kenei, +2 DC to stunning blow and fist and +1 to trip from enhancements (this is a very enhancement heavy build; could potentially take even more levels of these once U7 comes out with reduced AP cost for class skill enhancement levels that are prereqs for kensei and ninja spy)

    base unarmed damage 2d6 with monk past life (2d8 in earth stance with bracers) + 2 fighter Kensei + 4 weapon spec + 1 weapon spec enhancement = 2d6 + 7 or 2d8 + 7 in earth or 2d6 + 8 in fire stance (would be dominant stance most likely)

    I believe there are similar builds to this out there that splash a third class but to me this seems more powerful. But I could be persuaded to take light path monk depending on Shintao changes upcoming.

    I like this TR build since it retains much of monk base damage while adding fighter str, toughness, combat DC, and haste enhancements plus damage increases from Kensei and weapon spec. I have the builds mapped out in character planner but did not want to post due to the already long explanations I have.

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