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  1. #1
    Community Member deadkitty's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default WTT Items in Khbyer for items Cannith

    Dwarven Axes:
    +2 Vorpal Dwarven Axe (ML 12)
    +3 Ghost Touch Dwarven Axe of Pure Good (ML 8)
    +1 Para Dwarven Axe (ML 10)
    +1 Icy Burst Dwarven of of Shatter +6 (ML 10)

    Hand Axe:
    +3 Hand Axe of Evil Outsider Bane

    Light Repeater:
    +1 Icy Burst of Puncturing

    +2 Flaming Longsword of Greater Construct Bane (ML 10)
    +1 Seeker +4 Longsword of Greater Magical Beast Bane (ML 12)
    +1 Longsword of Greater Dragon Bane (ML 8)
    +1 Longsword of Greater Undead Bane (ML 8)
    +1 Crippling of Disruption

    Short Sword:
    Metalline of Smiting

    +2 Seeker 4 Kukri of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (ML 10)

    +2 Anarchic Busrt Scimitar of Puregood
    +2 Anarchic of Puregood
    +1 Flaming of Greater Evil Outsider Bane
    +3 Weakening of Enfeebling
    +2 Wounding of Enfeebling
    +2 True Chaos of Smiting

    +2 True Law of Smiting
    +2 True Chaos of Disruption
    +2 Anarchic Burst of Greater Undead Bane
    +3 Shocking Burst of Greater Construct Bane

    Shining Devestation

    Hammer of the Leaden Clouds (Looks Cool)

    +2 Seeker 2 of Smiting

    +1 Thundering of Disrtuption

    +4 Ghost Touch of Pure Good
    +3 Transmuting of Pure Good
    +5 Shocking Burst of Pure Good

    Heavy Pick:
    +1 Anarchic Burst of Pure Good
    +1 Ghost Touch of Disruption

    +1 Ghost Touch of Disruption
    +3 WOP Shortbow

    +2 Holy Burst of Puncturing
    +1 Banishing of Shattermantle
    +2 Banishing

    Bastard Swords:
    +5 Tranny of Pure Good

    +2 Vorpal

    +5 Mithral Chain ShirtX2
    PoP 10
    Chaos Guard
    +1 Int/Char/Con Tomes
    Deaths Locket
    Silver Flame Trinket
    +4 Mith Full Plate
    Mystic Belt
    Poison Proof Belt of GFL
    Helm of Free Will X2
    Duskheart X2
    +4 Holy Burst Returning Throwing Daggers
    +2 Wisdom/Strength/Charisma Tome
    Black Dragon Helm
    Docent of Quickening
    +5 Fearsome Mith Full Plate of Lesser Acid Resisit (ML 16)
    15 White Dragon Scales
    +5 Sacred Mith FP of Spearblock
    Electric Haze
    +5 Mith Full Plate
    Full Tome Set
    4 mil Plat
    Lots of Rapiers too many to list PM me for something specific I prolly have it
    +8 Armor Bracers (RR) Halfling
    Icy Cloak
    Firestorm Greaves
    Bracers of Deftness
    Kardins Eye
    Boots of Innocent
    +1,+2 Tomes
    Scourge Chocker
    Jorgundals Collar
    Bluefire Necklace
    Planer Girds
    SkyVault Shield
    Greater Construct Bane, Undead Bane, Stunning +10
    Smiters, Disruptors, Vorpals, Banishers
    +6 Stat Items
    30% Striders
    Epic Scrolls, quite a few
    OMG so much gear to list
    Lots of gear and I mean alots PM me for something specific I most likley have it stored

    Looking for tome,shield peices, Blue Scales (I needs alot), Larges, and Plats lots of it, Sup potency 6/7 item, Free hugs maybe?

    Will actually update this to all current items when im not being lazy xD
    Last edited by deadkitty; 08-18-2010 at 09:39 PM.
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