I seem to be having trouble finding a PUG at pretty much any level. I currently have 4 active characters (between level 4 & 10) & regardless of what time i'm on during the day, its taking minimum 30 minutes just to find a group to be a part of. Each one of my characters is in a guild, but even that doesn't seem to be an answer as the members are either not on, or power leveling with other high level characters in other guilds. Alot of them have members who haven't been active in 3 months, as the norm. Heck i've tried to start my own pugs, but even then all you get is the greenest of green horns who just run around & get killed a lot.
My time in DDO is restricted by bandwidth issues, so i can't afford to spend an hour running around waiting for real players to put up a PUG listing, or have reasonable players answer my PUG.
I know this has always been the case, but it seems to be getting systematically worse, first with F2P (not a slight to all F2P players, as i am currently F2P) & significantly worse since the Guild stuff came through. On top of that my RL location is Australia so the time difference is making it so much worse.
My question then is, where are the quality players? Is there another server is should perhaps be on, with people online at a reasonable time? Help!