I have a number of questions about Paladin abilities....
-Are any of the abilities affected by Metamagics? Does Empower Healing affect LoH? Does anything (empower?, maximize?) affect Divine Sacrifice? I've heard that Extend does not affect Divine Might.....
-The various Paladin clickies... when using Smites or Divine Sacrifice, does it interupt your attacks? Basically I'm wondering whether you lose an attack in order to make the next one more powerful, or does it seamlessly go while you're attacking?
-How well does paladin healing hold up while soloing? Between LoH and USov, it seems big combat heals are actually in pretty good shape.... but I'm wondering about leading up to the big fights... do you go broke on wands, or is it pretty good? So far my only solo experience is with a cleric, where this was no problem....