I have had a great time playing my sorc to almost 19. Mostly solo and I have found this toon to be great at soloing.
After trying a few shroud raids I am wondering just how useful this class is.
With all the elites and their mass hp, it seems were are reduced to buffers/de-buffers. Having a limited spell pool pretty much seals the deal as far as sustained dps is concerned. Bards and wizzies seem to make better buffers than we are. I know we can buff, but others are better, wiz's are better, and bards can buff and dps besides.
In my limited experience endgame mobs look like they are built for being beat on by melee toons with no mana restrictions. Getting in groups can be tough I notice too. Sorc's feel like a charity case. Am I missing something or are sorcs pretty gimped at end game? Is farming pretty much what we do best?
Thinking of rolling a FVS