Looking for the Lavender Ioun Stone with Supressed power.
The only thing I can trade with (or that I have to trade with) are Shroud Larges.
Send PM if you have the stone and want to trade for larges.
Thank you.
Looking for the Lavender Ioun Stone with Supressed power.
The only thing I can trade with (or that I have to trade with) are Shroud Larges.
Send PM if you have the stone and want to trade for larges.
Thank you.
The one and only Aluecian - Congo Bowl I Champions, Team InB4Lock - Survival Builds(NEWEST BUILD IS AT POST #48): http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=209152 Pic of Me, Post# 332 http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=163146&page=9