ok...lets start from scrap here
first, ur race
i STRONGLY recomend for starter, that u b human, or WF...why is it? is it cuz i dont like drows? nops, but for some reason i think ur starting at sorcerer with ur build, and having 14...and that lil hp...u wont really use much of ur endless pool of mana b4 ur are flat on the floor as out other friend mentioned. And since ur very likelly going for a damage dealer, even the 16 base cha from wf, or 18 from human should already b something nice for u, u will just need to focus more one voc spells with items and feats
seccond stats
10 str is "fine" for not goin helpless with only 1 ray of enfeeblement, however, first things first, having high char, and high con, is a must for spellcasters, because their Hit dice(the dice they add to their hp per lvl) isnt really high, so con is what helps then achievint acceptable yet not exactly "high" hit points, but we cant b cheap with hit points can we? they are our friends, having them is good, the more the merrier
third spells
well, ur spell list sure is focused around dealing damage....but honestly, most of those spells u will stop using at some point because their dmg will become something so low compared to the higher lvl mobs health bar, that u will have to cast them 2, maybe 3 more times, to have the same effect than a higher lvl spell that would consume less mana bacause u would cast them fewer times to ahieve a desirable result...what do i mean by that? simple, if u look well, ur spellpoint cost increases in 5 per circle, so a circle 1 spell usually costs 15 mana,circle 2 20, circle 3 25, and so list goes on, and i believe the highest cost will b around 55 base. And when u get to a point u will have to cast lets say 3 max/emp niacs to actually hurt the mob, with a spellcost of(assuming u dont have any of the imrpoved metamagic enhancements for less mana consuption) 15+15 from emp + 25(dont remember correctly if 25 or 20) from max, resultin in 55(maybe 50) spell points, and since its 2, 110(100) spellpoints, and a max+ emp fireball would cost 25+25+15 = 65 for having twice, maybe even 3 times that effect. So u may b keeping urself with a spell that at some point u wont use anymore, instead of having another one that could b more helpful
so take a look at the alternatives on the spell list at compendum, and if u need help with spells, here is a link to my sorcerer WF build
Many players helped me out and gave advices concerning the spell selection till i reached a final edition of it
i am not saying to do it exactly like that, but i think it will b at least a decent basis for a damage dealer sorcerer untill u can come up with something better ^^. There u can check as well for feats and the reasons why i have them.
I am not discouraging u to make ur build, but look around at forum for the already posted builds..see why players did what they did, why they picked that odd little feat, or why they didnt pick that feat that could b really awessome however that seemed counter productive considered the class, etc..