I have a general, overall question about obtainable skill levels of search/disable device, in relation to quest levels/difficulty.
My GF has a drow rogue, level 4. Shes maxed out her search and disable device as best she can given a 28 point built and available equipment. I'll have to check her build to give you exact numbers but we planned the character carefully and shes not gimped (I hope).
We were running stk on various levels. On casual and normal, she had no problems finding the traps and disabling them, and was enjoying the class. We then tried STK on hard mode and found she was virtually unable to find the big traps, even with every skill boosting item/enhancement she could get her hands on. Shes very discouraged.
My question is, does it get easier? I have a hard time understanding how it can be that tough to find traps when you jump from normal to hard, and how hard must it be on elite? Does the curve even out in later levels so you have a chance at the harder stuff?
Just looking for some ideas and opinions.