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  1. #1
    Community Member Menethenes's Avatar
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    Default A question about Disable Device and skill levels

    I have a general, overall question about obtainable skill levels of search/disable device, in relation to quest levels/difficulty.

    My GF has a drow rogue, level 4. Shes maxed out her search and disable device as best she can given a 28 point built and available equipment. I'll have to check her build to give you exact numbers but we planned the character carefully and shes not gimped (I hope).

    We were running stk on various levels. On casual and normal, she had no problems finding the traps and disabling them, and was enjoying the class. We then tried STK on hard mode and found she was virtually unable to find the big traps, even with every skill boosting item/enhancement she could get her hands on. Shes very discouraged.

    My question is, does it get easier? I have a hard time understanding how it can be that tough to find traps when you jump from normal to hard, and how hard must it be on elite? Does the curve even out in later levels so you have a chance at the harder stuff?

    Just looking for some ideas and opinions.

  2. #2
    Community Member basketaske's Avatar
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    She will most likely need an item to find everything. That, some int boost, either a fox's cunning clickie/pots or an item and the rogue skill boost. She shouldn't sweat it, she just can't find everything without at least some of these things. Not her or her build's fault
    Working crafted handwraps, that would be nice. Anytime soon.

  3. #3
    Community Member Ystradmynach's Avatar
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    It gets much easier at higher levels when you can buy items with higher bonuses to rogue skills, somewhere around level 8 to 10 I believe. In the meantime, don't expect to have much luck disabling traps over your level, especially on elite. At later levels though, you don't even need enhancement points put into rogue skills (although it is worth it to keep the rogue skill boost).

    There are a couple of exceptions to that rule, like one trap in Gianthold that is very hard to get but can be ignored, but in general maxed out skills plus best rogue items will get you almost all the traps at mid to high levels.
    Last edited by Ystradmynach; 08-15-2010 at 05:40 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Cap_Man's Avatar
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    When I first started I had the same problems and I ended up taking a few ranks in the Search Enhancements, that seemed to get me over the hump.

    Once I gained a few more levels and acquired better gear I was able to drop the Search Enhancements and use those Action Points for something else.

  5. #5
    Community Member ArloOne's Avatar
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    Low level rogues should carry the following...

    Herosim Pots
    Fox's Cunning Pots.
    +3 Search/Spot/Disable Goggles.
    +5 Thieves Tools.

    You may think the thieves tools are out of reach, but most players have more than they need and are willing to give them to someone who asks nicely. The +3 Goggles are very cheap and easy to find. As soon as possible step up to +5 bonus on these items, and so on and so on.
    I prefer goggles myself, but any item that offers one of those benefits will do.
    Also, her intelligence stat should be a 14 at minimum. Preferably a bit higher if she would like to focus on trap smithing.

    If you are on the Argonessen Server I would be more than happy to deck her out with good gear,tools and pots.

    Good Luck and have fun!
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArloOne View Post
    Low level rogues should carry the following...

    Herosim Pots
    Fox's Cunning Pots.
    +3 Search/Spot/Disable Goggles.
    +5 Thieves Tools.

    You may think the thieves tools are out of reach, but most players have more than they need and are willing to give them to someone who asks nicely. The +3 Goggles are very cheap and easy to find. As soon as possible step up to +5 bonus on these items, and so on and so on.
    I prefer goggles myself, but any item that offers one of those benefits will do.
    Also, her intelligence stat should be a 14 at minimum. Preferably a bit higher if she would like to focus on trap smithing.

    If you are on the Argonessen Server I would be more than happy to deck her out with good gear,tools and pots.

    Good Luck and have fun!
    This but you can hit me up if you're on Thelanis. (Rawel or Lepido or just ask anyone
    from The Legends Guild if I'm on).

  7. #7
    Community Member Bodic's Avatar
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    on normal you should be fine going beyond that you need to go beyond the base. GET Items for +'s if you dont have spot and dont know where to search spring the trap and hope you roll a 2+ then you can search around the trap.

    Ensure your +int item(even numbers matter) is different slot from your +search item
    hero pots
    fox's cunning is a good wand to have +2
    Bard buff if you can
    invest AP if you dont have the item you can respec that for cheap in 3 days.
    +5 tools are easy seriously just ask ( If on Ghallanda I can give you a couple stacks)

    Get the puzzle cap from STK its ghey but it add's +1 (note: doesnt stack with a fox's cunning)

  8. #8
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    I would recommend the Drow Search/Spot enhancements and go for Mechanic Prestige at level 6. Assassin is much more usefull starting with tier 2, in low levels the bonus from Mechanic is worth more IMHO.

  9. #9
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
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    As almost all of the useful information (gear, clickies, enhancements) was mentioned by previous posters, I can only provide another useful resource regarding Rogue Skill levels:
    Is my (insert rogue skill) high enough

    Ah, and the rogue skill boost helps, too.

    As a trap monkey, your GF is going to switch the equipment of her rog a lot. When sensing a trap or being told to search at a particular spot, she will need her + Search items. Having found the box, a switch to + Disable is mandatory. Having disabled the box, one can switch back to the regular combat equipment. Quickbars are a great help here; this way the slots are not occupied by items which don't contribute to the survialbility or DPS.

    And a last note, an error which I made in the beginning: The same type skill bonuses (e.g. competence) do not stack in general. This means that if you wear various items which all grant a +X competence bonus, only the highest value will be applied to the skill score. Exceptions to this rule can be found in the guide which I linked.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bodic View Post
    Ensure your +int item(even numbers matter) is different slot from your +search item
    Edit: Before, I gave out wrong information here, as Fomori remarked. This is now fixed.

    Since +Int items grant an 'enhancement bonus' to the stat, which is the same as the bonus you get from Fox's Cunning o, using a Fox Clickie makes any +Int item below +4 redudant, whereas any +5 or +6 item gives a better bonus than the clickies.

    And, even numbers in total score matter, not even bonus values, although that's mostly the same.
    Last edited by karl_k0ch; 08-17-2010 at 09:55 AM.

  10. #10
    Founder Spookykid's Avatar
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    The rogue gear from korthos is nice at low levels.

  11. #11
    Community Member Fomori's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by karl_k0ch View Post
    That is not entirely right. Search gets a bonus from Wis, so your + wis item should be in a different slot than the + search one.
    But Disable gets a bonus from Int, so also your + disable item should be at a different slot than the + int item.
    Search and Disable are both Int... please dont confuse people with wrong info.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mournbladereigns View Post
    Actually, if this Nerf's one of Shade's barb's I doubly support this!

  12. #12
    Community Member Ainimache's Avatar
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    Nevermind - someone beat me to it.

  13. #13
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    It gets easier.

    But not for several levels more.

    You need to get the best skill boost items you can. And learn what items/buffs....etc you can use to beef up your skills when needed.

    Spot/Search/DD goggles...etc.
    Int boosts... Fox's Cunning pot/wand
    Heroism pots
    Voice of the Master (100% drop rate from Delera's series end reward list)
    Find Traps scroll (UMDed)

    Making friends *** a Bard.

    That should get you started...
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  14. #14
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fomori View Post
    Search and Disable are both Int... please dont confuse people with wrong info.
    Thanks for pointing that out.

    It's fixed now, referencing only Int for Search and Disable. Sorry for the mess-up, I must have confused that with spot.

  15. #15
    Community Member JustWinBaby's Avatar
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    Low levels is where playing a Rogue is most difficult.

    Just keep playing it out.

    For now, I would get the Troubleshooter's set from Korthos and wear that until you get better skill boosting items. Also, do not underestimate the power of the Rogue Skill Boost Enhancement.

    Also, Voice of the Master (you should be able to get around level 7) gives +1 to all skills. Also, you can try and party with a Bard, and he can sing his song to give you an additional +1 to skills.

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