hey all, just wondering what the goin price is on tor scales(all 3 colours:P)
hey all, just wondering what the goin price is on tor scales(all 3 colours:P)
Haha Matty:
Entering the arbitrage business?
So you wanna buy 6 sets of 20 scales in Europe and want to sell them at a profit in US?
Due to red scale armors getting more commonplace over here, prices are much higher here then i remember on Devourer. Going rate is nealy 1 mil gp per scale (sometimes cheaper). So get your scales and dump them on the Thelanis market when you transfer
lol, no, i wanna buy some to make a red scale armour, got the scales, and the tokens, need shard and base armour. currenty sitting on: 18BLACK, 9BLUE, 2WHITE lol ast :P
i might buy all the extras i can get a hold of tho:P
alakhazam.com? lol wait nvm that's for Warcrap
but it sure would be nice to have somthing simular to alakhazam or wowhead for DDO where ppl can pricecheck items who knows it might actually even help out the AH by balancing the prices to a medium going price, and i know it hurt the gold farmers qiute effectively in World of Warcraft and we got plenty of them here on DDO
Last edited by Akrilus; 08-15-2010 at 02:04 PM.