All hail! Tremble before its might!
Minstral of Mayhem
Aces over Kings
Well... the first problem (as posted) is the Pix. SOOOOOO many pcictures of GH... which leads to the mystery? What exactly does GH mean? To those in the know... it means...well heck.... to those in the know, we don't know... BUT, we still have a LOT of great pictures of GH
and the 2nd issue... way to many syllables. I mean c'mon... how can anyone take "Shield Fragment 2" seriously... when by the time you finish saying it, you forget why you're saying it....
But what do I know... I'm just a silly Bard with a Silly Song
+1 for trying to tempt me to your dark and evil ways though.
Minstral of Mayhem
Aces over Kings
Ascent, Argonnessen ~ Cleatus Yogurthawker | Isostatic Rebound | Mohorovicic Discontinuity | Angular Unconformity
Ghalanda ~ Feldspathic Greywacke
Eaux ~ Crankh ~ Yoomaykmee ~ Gwalchmai ~ R.I.P. all others
AoK ~ Putting the COLOR in Argonnessen since 2006
EX-actly! Why do you think I am railing against it so hard? SF2 starred in one of the best all-time flicks: Fight Club. It made 2 or 3 very short cameos but it had quite an impact.
As far as I can tell, Giraffe Head is some sort of shape that resembles the combined inner reproductive organs of women. That's my stab at it.