Cold Iron Tesseract is a new Guild on the Argonessen server with six players so far, and 30 or so characters.

Play style is generally casual. There are both pay-to-play and free-to-play members.

Everybody is smart and friendly, or at least respectful, and anyone who is not won't make it too far with this group. All kinds of jerkish behavior, excessive vulgarity, etc. won't fly.

Zerging it is okay, as is XP grinding, RP, PVP, or whatever - just be up front with it. It's a Democracy, and when there's a question we take a vote and rock on. There's one Rule and that is 'Everybody is here to have fun.'

We're not set on being a HUGE Guild. Eventually we'd like to have maybe 50 members - enough so there's always a group going somewhere. Slots are open for Officers who are more 'serious' players. The goal is to eventually have approx. 15 Officers. We have a new Guild website on Guildportal ( open for participation in getting going, scheduling quests and raids, and sharing the loot. We'd like to have prizes for achievements, a Guild bank of items and gold, etc. someday. We're all pretty new at this, so there's a lot of room to grow.

We've got a good group of players, have a lot of fun, and are just looking to add a few more.

If you think you might be interested in joining, or even if you just want to run some with some fun folks, you can reply to this thread with a character or forum name, send 'Rengauer' a /tell on Argonessen, or reply on the website (

Good Questing!

Rengauer Starhelm