was thinking of dumping diehard and getting a second toughness feat. think its worth it?
right now i am level 8, 200 hp, with gear a 21 con.
was thinking of dumping diehard and getting a second toughness feat. think its worth it?
right now i am level 8, 200 hp, with gear a 21 con.
yes, dumb diehard, but a second toughness isnt a good use for it
what are your current feats, then we might help you
0Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
*insert axe*
o o
concentrating on the feat question: You might want to just wait, as a fighter you'll have more feats than you'll know what to do with and who knows, Die Hard might be useful for you for a level or 2 still.
On the other hand, getting rid of it now, would cost less, unless you still have the free feat swap.
edit: or the above, you'll still have feats en masse
Working crafted handwraps, that would be nice. Anytime soon.
Toughness is much, much better than Diehard. Toughness at level 8 is essentially strictly better than Diehard, as an extra 10 HP means you won't wouldn't have gone incapacitated in the first place.
For most characters, an extra toughness isn't worth it. On a fighter, it's a reasonable choice. Although at level 8, I'd think there'd be better feats to take.
Current Feats are:
defensive fighting
heavy armor prof
heroic durability
improved two handed fighting
least dragonmark of passage
lesser dragonmark of passage
light armor prof
martial weapons prof
medium armor prof
power attack
shield proficency general
simple wp
tower shield prof
two handed fighting
weapons focus: slashing
You should definitely have Improved Crit at level 8, but you can wait till level 9 since you won't be able to retrain Diehard for it. Weapon specialization is your next best choice; you'll need it for Kensei II.
When did you take Diehard? That limits your retraining options somewhat.
Unless you're willing to shuffle things around with multiple feat retrainings, I'd actually suggest retraining it to Quick Draw. It's a feat you'll want eventually anyway, and it's not a big deal to take it early. It's primary purpose is to make the "casting time" of your action boosts shorter. That way, you don't lose as many swings during long fights. Also nice for switching weapons to fit the current situation.
Alternatively, you could take Stunning Blow (again, not great now, but nice at high level), or the second toughness. Plenty of level 20 fighters have more than one toughness.
quickdraw really seems as the best choice there
0Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
*insert axe*
o o
I would go with stunning blow, i get that very early if i can fit it in my featlist. Really nice throughout the game. Ofcourse you can't go wrong with quickdraw either.
Devourer ate my characters.
do not get a second toughness feat...in my opinion you would be wasting a feat slot and almost anything would be better than an extra 23 hit points when you are 20th level.
just about anything else than a second toughness feat.