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  1. #21
    Community Member AyumiAmakusa's Avatar
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    I think they mean let's throw Rape Seed at the kobolds!

    Don't let it bother you that people use terms like Rape so casually. Persona;;y, I'm a bit bothered by it but because I know that some people are ignorant and inexperienced, they say things without thinking. The only thing we can do is to ignore them and move on.
    In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.

  2. #22
    Community Member herzkos's Avatar
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    to the op:
    I concur, sir (or ma'am).
    Words like those should not be used in a game, whether as a joke or not.
    Your were right to call the fighter out on it.
    If the cleric had told me to stop as I was being offensive, I would have likely
    asked how what I said was offensive whilst the fighter was fine?
    failing a reasonable answer to that, I would have told the cleric to feel free
    to post a harassment ticket.
    While it may have resulted in a 3-day vacation or so for me, I could live with that
    if the fighter got one as well.
    The Office of the Exchequer. 1750 on all live servers via Pure pugging. Thank you very much to all who helped carry a gimp . (wayfinder was a soloist build)

  3. #23
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePrincipal View Post
    Rape is a word with several meanings and the dictionary lists 14.

    The "fighter" could have meant "an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation: the rape of the countryside" while the OP (for whatever reason) only considered the forced sexual encounter definition. Horray for jumping to conclusions and running to the forum to post about it!
    So your theory is that the fighter player was a linguist who used an archaic form of the word to accurately describe his intended actions?? I doubt it.

  4. #24
    Community Member Bodic's Avatar
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    IF that is offensive you should take care in this game as I have heard much much worse conduct from many. Its not that at offensive to me at all. Grow some salt in your veins.

    The only reason you may have found it upsetting is cause you were having a bad day. I mean do you really think the phrase "Rape and pillage" had anything to do with sexual conquest. The answer no they didnt have time to do that sort of thing it ment to come in destroy and take what you can carry and get out as fast as you can.

    To true this society has gone down the drain of life and is becoming a horrid place to live, but is it the degridation of the people or the uptightness of the PC culture.

    If I said the same thing in my previous work place's to those whom I work with/ or for me. I would have gotten more cheer than jeers. Go Navy, and all those who have done their jobs to the full measure of devotion to allow you to have your point of view, and bash others for not seeding to only your way of thinking.

  5. #25
    Community Member Lanthum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AyumiAmakusa View Post
    The only thing we can do is to ignore them and move on.
    It's not the only thing. It's actually a bad thing, and I'm glad the OP took a stand against such repulsive, childish behavior. "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" - possibly Edmund Burke

    Quote Originally Posted by Bodic View Post
    IF that is offensive you should take care in this game as I have heard much much worse conduct from many. Its not that at offensive to me at all. Grow some salt in your veins.

    The only reason you may have found it upsetting is cause you were having a bad day. I mean do you really think the phrase "Rape and pillage" had anything to do with sexual conquest. The answer no they didnt have time to do that sort of thing it ment to come in destroy and take what you can carry and get out as fast as you can.
    While the word may have several meanings, it's usually used for one purpose. And it's rather presumptuous of you to assume the OP was having a bad day just because they didn't like the phrase. I would hate to hear that word in any casual manner, and from some of the other posts here, there are others who would too.

    And it really sounds like you should read about the Vikings and even the early Greeks who often used rape in war, especially as means to control and demoralize the people. I am fairly confident that "Rape and Pillage" means just that.

  6. #26
    Community Member katana_one's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterling View Post
    Started WW on a PUG, we entered the quest and the conversation went as follows:

    Fighter: Yeah I'm going to rape all these kobolds!
    Me: So you're telling me that you want to force the kobolds to have sexual intercourse with you?
    Fighter: What?
    Cleric: Shut up <me> or I'll report you for harassment.

    Back in the day, we wouldn't have to put up with children like this.
    Next time simply state that such a comment is offensive and politely ask the offender to stop. In your account of the event, it can easily be read as you trying to bait the fighter, not you trying to correct him.
    You are responsible for your own DDO experience.

  7. #27
    Community Member AyumiAmakusa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lanthum View Post
    It's not the only thing. It's actually a bad thing, and I'm glad the OP took a stand against such repulsive, childish behavior. "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" - possibly Edmund Burke
    While that phrase is indeed true, could you elaborate as to what you can actually do to 'purge' this word from being used?

    Step 1 - Go to the forums and talk about it.
    Step 2 - ???

    How are you going to stop thousands of people from using that word inappropriately? Most people don't care enough to take a stand against such behaviour. Like I said, I don't like that word being used in such a context but there's nothing you can do about it. Turbine won't help you because it offends a minority of players and is not serious enough to justify them using up their time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lanthum View Post
    And it really sounds like you should read about the Vikings and even the early Greeks who often used rape in war, especially as means to control and demoralize the people. I am fairly confident that "Rape and Pillage" means just that.
    That is true. War Rape has been a common way for one side to demoralise the other.
    In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.

  8. #28
    Community Member Robi3.0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AyumiAmakusa View Post

    I think they mean let's throw Rape Seed at the kobolds!

    Don't let it bother you that people use terms like Rape so casually. Persona;;y, I'm a bit bothered by it but because I know that some people are ignorant and inexperienced, they say things without thinking. The only thing we can do is to ignore them and move on.
    Hooray! for the wonderful seed that brings us Canola oil! Its so good for you what with all its Omaga 3 fatty acid goodness.

    Does rape seeding Kobolbs involve casting grease?
    there's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart. If you value your continued existence. If you have any plans on seeing tomorrow then there's one thing you never, ever put in a trap.

  9. #29
    Community Member herzkos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodic View Post
    IF that is offensive you should take care in this game as I have heard much much worse conduct from many. Its not that at offensive to me at all. Grow some salt in your veins.

    The only reason you may have found it upsetting is cause you were having a bad day. I mean do you really think the phrase "Rape and pillage" had anything to do with sexual conquest. The answer no they didnt have time to do that sort of thing it ment to come in destroy and take what you can carry and get out as fast as you can.

    To true this society has gone down the drain of life and is becoming a horrid place to live, but is it the degridation of the people or the uptightness of the PC culture.

    If I said the same thing in my previous work place's to those whom I work with/ or for me. I would have gotten more cheer than jeers. Go Navy, and all those who have done their jobs to the full measure of devotion to allow you to have your point of view, and bash others for not seeding to only your way of thinking.
    I for one can't stand the PC culture, however, nowhere did the OP indicate pillage.
    Given the current gaming climate, it is quite clear what the "fighter" meant by what he typed.
    I believe the OP made the correct inference though his response was inappropriate as well.
    The meaning you attributed to the phrase is also not entirely correct but you are entitled to your opinion.

    As to your question about the cess pool that this society is becoming, I'm pretty sure both the
    degrAdation and PC culture are factors and not mutually exclusive.

    Thats odd. If I were to say that I'm gonna "rape" this mission -in my joint duty assignments with the Navy-
    the responses I probably would have gotten from the sailors would have ranged from confusion to laughter (at
    me, not with me). Perhaps it was an older more mature Navy than that you're speaking of, I dunno.
    The Office of the Exchequer. 1750 on all live servers via Pure pugging. Thank you very much to all who helped carry a gimp . (wayfinder was a soloist build)

  10. #30
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    Yes im sure op is correct...that bad player person was going to crawl through the inter tubes and force himself on that unsuspecting kobolds.


    Lighten up....

    And on. That note.......Rape is no laughing matter...unless of course your raping a clown.

    And neither is MURDER..but its ok to say im going to murder these kobolds......somebodies got their panties on too tight.

    You said it twice....i really like that one

    Oh and if the celiac even brings this up in my party...I do you like any other get booted...your a cleric nothing improtant or even and yes I have 5 healers so don't even start with that. Get a clue.......words...they are not stones they will not hurt you.

    Man somebody let some whiney little flowers in here ... Time to get the roundup out.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterling View Post
    Started WW on a PUG, we entered the quest and the conversation went as follows:

    Fighter: Yeah I'm going to rape all these kobolds!
    Me: So you're telling me that you want to force the kobolds to have sexual intercourse with you?
    Fighter: What?
    Cleric: Shut up <me> or I'll report you for harassment.

    Back in the day, we wouldn't have to put up with children like this.
    children like this?? the phrase "rape" is used in context. can you not tell the difference?? you even fed into the statement with asking if he wanted to have intercourse with the are just as guilty!!
    how about 3 buddies go into a dungeon, complete, and one says to another "man, we just raped that dungeon!"
    is this worth reporting, or at the least getting your panties in a bunch over?? hell no. its all in fun. lighten up, prude

    if it was a conversation using rape as a derogatory word, or situation, maybe it could have been reported. but if something is said in context and fun, thats another story. and if you are from "back in the day", then you should already know, and have put up with a hell of a lot worse than the word "rape"

    its my opinion you are the one being a child. he wasnt talking about women, or children. if just using the word "rape" offends you, then why play a game with murder, deceit, and violence?? why are you here?? surely this game offends you more than a single word??
    grow up, man. go play with like minded people, or find another game. you sure wouldnt make it in one of my groups long if a single word riles you up that much. im prone to say anything, at any time. but itll always be all in fun. thats the key
    woundweaver 20 cl woundcleaver 20 barb woundbleeder 17 barb woundreaver 20 ftr woundheal 18 cl
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  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by toughguyjoe View Post
    People thought Malicia was sexy in Big Top?

    Just wait till you see the adventure this baby drops out of.
    hahahahahahahhahahahaaha!!!!! +rep, man! i spit coffee all over myself.....+5 creamy pork burst of arse puncturing

    edit: got to give it in a few hours. too much rep given atm
    Last edited by woundweaver; 08-15-2010 at 08:34 AM.
    woundweaver 20 cl woundcleaver 20 barb woundbleeder 17 barb woundreaver 20 ftr woundheal 18 cl
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  13. #33
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    Default ridiculous thread

    you're all playing a game where you murder and pillage, but rape is offensive? You all need to grow up... hey pot, quit calling the kettle black!

  14. #34
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodic View Post
    I mean do you really think the phrase "Rape and pillage" had anything to do with sexual conquest. The answer no they didnt have time to do that sort of thing it ment to come in destroy and take what you can carry and get out as fast as you can..
    You are very wrong. Traditionally they would have stopped and raped the women and girls after killing the men and while destroying and stealing. The "Rape" in Rape and pillage was very much sexual in nature.

  15. #35
    Community Member Seamonkeysix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dungan305 View Post
    you're all playing a game where you murder and pillage, but rape is offensive? You all need to grow up... hey pot, quit calling the kettle black!
    Hi, Welcome.

    PS Congrats on your first post.
    Last edited by Seamonkeysix; 08-15-2010 at 09:37 AM.
    “No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy”

  16. 08-15-2010, 09:40 AM

  17. #36
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dungan305 View Post
    you're all playing a game where you murder and pillage, but rape is offensive? You all need to grow up... hey pot, quit calling the kettle black!
    Hi, welcome to the forums. Telling people to grow up is not a great start to your posting history. It is insulting and a direct put down to those who disagree with you.

  18. #37
    Community Member Cholera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePrincipal View Post
    Rape is a word with several meanings and the dictionary lists 14.

    The "fighter" could have meant "an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation: the rape of the countryside" while the OP (for whatever reason) only considered the forced sexual encounter definition. Horray for jumping to conclusions and running to the forum to post about it!
    It seems to me that these alternate definitions are all dependant on the single, original meaning. That is to say, through the historical use of the word rape as a metaphor for other abusive behaviors it has acquired these secondary meanings. So it is, in my humble opinion, that while the others may be viewed by some as proper usage, I do not. They are still metaphors with any meaning they may possess derived from the original purely for its' impact.

    And I, for one, wish people would stop raping the English language.

    So there, nyah. :P
    "No, no, NO! It’s pronounced KOL-ER-AHH, not KLO-WEE!"

  19. #38
    Community Member jmonty's Avatar
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    i suppose if he would have said 'murder' that would have been less offensive?


    sensitive people crack me up

  20. #39
    Community Member Seamonkeysix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmonty View Post
    i suppose if he would have said 'murder' that would have been less offensive?


    sensitive people crack me up
    I think 'murder' would be less offensive than 'rape', personally....but even for people who find 'murder' offensive, some jackazz would come in with a post saying how 'murder' could refer to a 'murder' of crows and if the lfm said "Let's Murder this Quest", they may have actually meant to take a large group in...
    “No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy”

  21. #40
    Community Member Khroc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nysrock View Post
    4 times if you count the quotes.

    But never once did I say I was going to **** somebody.

    Are Kobolds "somebody" ? I thought they were monsters and it was legal to rape them !!!

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