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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    May 2010

    Default Question about Paladin Multi-classing

    Hey Ya'll
    Been playing for several months now but this is my first post to the forums.
    I have a Lvl 9 Dwarf Paladin.
    Since I usualy only play between 4-7 am CST I tend to run solo with a coupla hirelings.
    It seems so far the only thing I have trouble with is traps.
    To counter that I am considering adding a couple of levels of Rogue
    is lvl 9 too late to multi-class a Pally?
    Any thoughts on this?

    Thanks for any advice


  2. #2
    Community Member Torvic's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by HammerofGrond View Post
    Hey Ya'll
    Been playing for several months now but this is my first post to the forums.
    I have a Lvl 9 Dwarf Paladin.
    Since I usualy only play between 4-7 am CST I tend to run solo with a coupla hirelings.
    It seems so far the only thing I have trouble with is traps.
    To counter that I am considering adding a couple of levels of Rogue
    is lvl 9 too late to multi-class a Pally?
    Any thoughts on this?

    Thanks for any advice

    If you are trying to get trap skills on a toon, level 1 (of a different class) is too late to multi-class into rogue, rogue needs to be level 1 (even then a pally/rogue trapmonkey doesn't work very well). You aren't going to be able to do anything for your hirelings I'm afraid.

    For you, you could consider taking 2 levels of monk for evasion, which should make traps a non-issue except maybe some elite ones. If you are f2p and don't want to buy monk, you could take 2 rogue levels for evasion as well but that wouldn't be "optimal."

    Really I would just suggest getting your HP as high as possible, buying lots of cure wands, and healing yourself through them. Try to make your hirelings survive if you can and if not carry them to a shrine.

    Or just do the trap-filled quests in question without hirelings as long as it's normal difficulty (the traps should do less damage due to dungeon scaling).

  3. #3
    Community Member Ralmeth's Avatar
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    I wouldn't recommend splashing Rogue to take care of traps. In order to do well at taking care of traps you will need a very deep Rogue splash to get enough skill points to max out search, disable device (spot if you don't know where the boxes are), probably some points to open locks, maybe 4-5 levels at least. However this will greatly reduce your DPS as you will miss out on the 3rd class of one of the prestige classes, as well as the highest levels of divine might, exhalted smite, etc.

    On my Pally I just don't worry about traps too much. With enough hit points and self-healing (at your level, healing wands and LoH) you can get through most of them.
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  4. #4
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    Default Thanks

    Thanks for the feedback guys!
    Guess I will keep him as a pure Paladin.

    The next question would be HoD , DoS, or KotC?
    I am leaning tward HoD for now because I like the idea.
    And I really enjoy busting undead! LOL
    Come to think of it I AM going to go with HoD.

    ok a different question ... right now he fights with Dwarven Axe and Shield
    what would be the benefits of switching to TWF?

  5. #5
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HammerofGrond View Post
    is lvl 9 too late to multi-class a Pally into a rogue?

    Yes, it is too late. You will be hard-pressed to get your skills high enough to be of any value, unless you're just looking to pump spot so you know when the traps are coming up.

    I'd recommend either grouping, or using trial and error, hirelings and summoned monsters to find and learn to avoid traps.
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