Nice. Them good ol' days eh.
Nice. Them good ol' days eh.
Eternal Wrath - Kages - Prototypes - Rest ful - Musei - Dizafrabdont - Enkou - Kagehissori - many more"To be human is to have the freedom to control one's own fate." ~Karl Marx~
also the drow lass (with the awesome hair do :P) gyrating in starter rags at the blue room of the rusty nail is my caster from her role playing days when she use to experience sudden surges of wild magical energy causing chickens to materialize over heads and explode. (sorry Clayne)
Clayne Fourstring - Jack of All Trades, Riddlemaster - Sarlona
Esson the Sacred Heart - Physician, Healer - Sarlona
~~The Paladin Code: Death before dishonor . . . especially when there is a cleric in the group.
Proud officer of Crate and Barrel Smashing, LLC
Thanks again for the kind words, guys. <3
Well, we have quite a way to go before the kiddo's old enough to have enough fine motor control to operate the mouse. I also can't keep her in my lap and play because I use a lot of keyboard command shortcuts instead of clicking everything, so I need both hands. :P
Clayne Fourstring - Jack of All Trades, Riddlemaster - Sarlona
Esson the Sacred Heart - Physician, Healer - Sarlona
~~The Paladin Code: Death before dishonor . . . especially when there is a cleric in the group.
Hello there! ^^; Embarrassed to ask--as I'm quite sure that the answer will be quite obvious and will make me look like a fool--but when are riddle nights? I would be delighted to participate. *nods softly*
Riddle Nights used to be every Tuesday evening, and ran from approximately 7pm PST to about 10 or 11pm. I'm sorry to say that I haven't been playing since December, and won't be coming back to the game for the foreseeable future. I may pop in now and again, but it won't be for very long.![]()
Clayne Fourstring - Jack of All Trades, Riddlemaster - Sarlona
Esson the Sacred Heart - Physician, Healer - Sarlona
~~The Paladin Code: Death before dishonor . . . especially when there is a cleric in the group.