I have made this thread in honor of my weekly RP event titled as the topic of this thread suggests, Riddle Nights. I will be updating it as regularly as possible with each week that I host another event.
In retrospect, I regret not doing this from the very first week. On the other hand, it would have made post this much larger than it is.
Starting off, here we are in the marketplace, atop Falcon's Spire. This was several weeks before airships were introduced. Sadly, I only took this one, and didn't think to disable the UI, so you can see the horrid mess I have for my layout - This was also before I streamlined my UI specifically for this event.
The following week, it was held at the very top of Lordsmarch Bank, far above the hustle and bustle of the bankers and population further down the stairs. There were two additional participants, one to my left and another to my right, that were outside my shot. I just couldn't get everyone in at once, unfortunately. Also, the camera cut off the top of Clayne's head in the foreground, since I was backed all the way to the wall.
Here, I am still experimenting with the best UI layout and have not yet settled on a specific look that best suits my needs. But this week's event was held at the splendid newly built theater inside the Bogwater Tavern, in House Phiarlan. It really is a very good place to host, I found. I should do them there more often. Sadly, after quite a bit of confusion and experimentation, we found that the range for /say doesn't extend from the stage proper to the stairs, so I was forced to come down partway to the ramp instead.
The next one, hmm... I believe this was at the side room of the Drowning Sorrows Tavern? I can't recall exactly.
The very next week, I held it at one of the two most common locales for the event, the red room inside the Rusty Nail tavern.
The week after, I opted for a place a bit further out of the way. Here we are at the very top of Kundarak Bank, inside the House Kundarak Enclave. You can see the interior is nearly identical to the Lordsmarch bank from a few weeks back. Those Dwarves sure know how to manufacture things precisely!
And here is the other of the two most common locations: the blue room at the Rusty Nail, which ironically is just across the way from the red room! I wish I took this one a few minutes earlier, as by this point a few people had left, so it was more crowded than it looks here. Regardless, there was a person each to the left and right of me, outside of the frame, that were present.