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  1. #1
    Community Member Teldurn's Avatar
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    Default [RP] Riddle Nights, in pictures!

    I have made this thread in honor of my weekly RP event titled as the topic of this thread suggests, Riddle Nights. I will be updating it as regularly as possible with each week that I host another event.

    In retrospect, I regret not doing this from the very first week. On the other hand, it would have made post this much larger than it is.

    Starting off, here we are in the marketplace, atop Falcon's Spire. This was several weeks before airships were introduced. Sadly, I only took this one, and didn't think to disable the UI, so you can see the horrid mess I have for my layout - This was also before I streamlined my UI specifically for this event.

    The following week, it was held at the very top of Lordsmarch Bank, far above the hustle and bustle of the bankers and population further down the stairs. There were two additional participants, one to my left and another to my right, that were outside my shot. I just couldn't get everyone in at once, unfortunately. Also, the camera cut off the top of Clayne's head in the foreground, since I was backed all the way to the wall.

    Here, I am still experimenting with the best UI layout and have not yet settled on a specific look that best suits my needs. But this week's event was held at the splendid newly built theater inside the Bogwater Tavern, in House Phiarlan. It really is a very good place to host, I found. I should do them there more often. Sadly, after quite a bit of confusion and experimentation, we found that the range for /say doesn't extend from the stage proper to the stairs, so I was forced to come down partway to the ramp instead.

    The next one, hmm... I believe this was at the side room of the Drowning Sorrows Tavern? I can't recall exactly.

    The very next week, I held it at one of the two most common locales for the event, the red room inside the Rusty Nail tavern.

    The week after, I opted for a place a bit further out of the way. Here we are at the very top of Kundarak Bank, inside the House Kundarak Enclave. You can see the interior is nearly identical to the Lordsmarch bank from a few weeks back. Those Dwarves sure know how to manufacture things precisely!

    And here is the other of the two most common locations: the blue room at the Rusty Nail, which ironically is just across the way from the red room! I wish I took this one a few minutes earlier, as by this point a few people had left, so it was more crowded than it looks here. Regardless, there was a person each to the left and right of me, outside of the frame, that were present.
    Clayne Fourstring - Jack of All Trades, Riddlemaster - Sarlona
    Esson the Sacred Heart - Physician, Healer - Sarlona
    ~~The Paladin Code: Death before dishonor . . . especially when there is a cleric in the group.

  2. #2
    Community Member Teldurn's Avatar
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    Here we are yet again, this time under the calm shade of the old tree at the northeastern corner of Korthos Village. It was nice to be out in the open air yet still far away from the hustle and bustle of city life, instead of inside stuffy little taverns for a nice change. We got a really good turnout this week.

    Oh, by the way, I finally optimized my UI for Riddle Nights. I pretty much just need the large window on the left for /say and emotes, while guild chat and the other unnecessary channels are quite minimized, but still noticeable if someone says something. As for the two hotbars, the top one is there pretty much only for the Anger's Step clickie, to help me scout out different locations; while the bottom bar is there to throw out a passing heal if I see someone who needs it. It looks like this:
    Last edited by Teldurn; 08-18-2010 at 12:24 AM.
    Clayne Fourstring - Jack of All Trades, Riddlemaster - Sarlona
    Esson the Sacred Heart - Physician, Healer - Sarlona
    ~~The Paladin Code: Death before dishonor . . . especially when there is a cleric in the group.

  3. #3
    Community Member Teldurn's Avatar
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    Here we are, gathered on one of the rooftops in the Marketplace. We really had a good group gathered this week! Sadly, there were a couple technical difficulties that needed to be ironed out, but it was fun for all regardless.

    A short while later, a couple people left early, but even more showed up to fill their place.

    We also had a show of shenanigans with camouflage, haste, stoneskin, and various other buffs. I think it was the combination of camouflage and invisibility that we could hardly see ourselves in the sun. I didn't bother taking a picture of it, however. It happens almost each week, and I can never understand why. Alas.
    Last edited by Teldurn; 08-25-2010 at 12:31 AM.
    Clayne Fourstring - Jack of All Trades, Riddlemaster - Sarlona
    Esson the Sacred Heart - Physician, Healer - Sarlona
    ~~The Paladin Code: Death before dishonor . . . especially when there is a cleric in the group.

  4. #4
    Community Member Teldurn's Avatar
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    The following week, we met back at the grand stage inside Bogwater Tavern. It was nice to be back there. This week's game went without a hitch, which was great, and everyone was having lots of fun. It was here that I introduced Riddle Nights as being segmented into three parts: Riddles, Three Words, and Logic Puzzles. It went well enough that I'll stick to this format from now on.
    Last edited by Teldurn; 09-08-2010 at 10:45 AM.
    Clayne Fourstring - Jack of All Trades, Riddlemaster - Sarlona
    Esson the Sacred Heart - Physician, Healer - Sarlona
    ~~The Paladin Code: Death before dishonor . . . especially when there is a cleric in the group.

  5. #5
    Community Member Maxwell1380's Avatar
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    Nice Job! Keep it up man!

  6. #6
    Community Member Teldurn's Avatar
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    Yesterday, I had a big surprise for everyone. Throughout the week, I had been speaking with a friend who liked my Riddle Nights concept so much that he wanted to host a spinoff of it! I was flattered beyond words. This week we got together and went over the basics of how I prepare and host (hint: it's a LOT of work!). Since folks were still expecting me to be the riddlemaster for the evening, I went ahead and made the announcements as usual. Then when we all got together, I introduced the guest host Quizmaster.

    He took over from there, while still keeping in contact with me just in case he may have forgotten something or if he had any questions.

    Here I am actually being a participant. It was quite a refreshing change. I even got a couple guesses wrong, imagine that! Haha!

    So there we have it. Quizmaster will be hosting a sister event called Riddle Days! Unless the timing changes, it will be on Sundays, at 10AM Eastern. Keep him on your friends lists to make sure you can attend at that time!
    Clayne Fourstring - Jack of All Trades, Riddlemaster - Sarlona
    Esson the Sacred Heart - Physician, Healer - Sarlona
    ~~The Paladin Code: Death before dishonor . . . especially when there is a cleric in the group.

  7. #7
    Community Member Teldurn's Avatar
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    This week, we gathered at another rooftop in the Marketplace. They seem to be growing in popularity, I think. Unfortunately, none of the riddles proved so difficult that I got to keep some for another time, and they were all given away.

    I also introduced the concept of Ultimate Riddle Nights, wherein the Grand Prize riddle will have a 15 minute timer (as opposed to the regular 5), and if no one guesses correctly in that time, I put the Grand Prize into a pot. After so many collected Grand Prizes this way, I'll hold an Ultimate Riddle Nights, where all the prizes will be Grand Prizes from previous weeks. It would theoretically be deservedly epic in scope, so I would need to really bring my A-game, to make sure people really work for the prizes.
    Clayne Fourstring - Jack of All Trades, Riddlemaster - Sarlona
    Esson the Sacred Heart - Physician, Healer - Sarlona
    ~~The Paladin Code: Death before dishonor . . . especially when there is a cleric in the group.

  8. #8
    Community Member Teldurn's Avatar
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    I scouted around for a different sort of location and found the House Jorasco Foyer, easily accessible, as it's the largest building in all of House Jorasco Enclave. We had a pretty decent turnout, especially considering that many of my regulars didn't show. I suppose that became a good omen, since it meant greater competition for those who were there (and not an automatic win for a select few people. Again.). Also, no one answered the Grand Prize in 15 minutes, so I was able to keep my first Grand Prize, so the pot for Ultimate Riddle Nights has started!

    Finally, I should mention that I added yet another twist to the game this week; The Grand Prize was a choice between two fabulous items. Since no one won, the pot for URN is now two prizes fuller!

    Also, I tried out a new purple robe for the first time. I like it.
    Clayne Fourstring - Jack of All Trades, Riddlemaster - Sarlona
    Esson the Sacred Heart - Physician, Healer - Sarlona
    ~~The Paladin Code: Death before dishonor . . . especially when there is a cleric in the group.

  9. #9
    Community Member GATORZ's Avatar
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    Default sorry

    Sorry I am not on your server looks like alot of fun! Might I suggest a place to meet that will surely relax every1 and allow upmost clarity to think....The spa in ataraxias haven

    Blackbetty,Ramjam,Urdlen,Mange,Lutehor,Lutetor,,In timitard,Shadough,Intimitard

  10. #10
    Community Member Teldurn's Avatar
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    The week following, we had some technical difficulties, so Riddle Nights had to be canceled unfortunately. However, I was able to iron out the bugs within a few days, so we were back up and running the week after. Here we are gathered near the Fare Trades pawn shop in House Deneith Enclave. We got a solid turnout, all things considered. I even gave out more prizes than usual, and by all accounts we all had fun.
    Clayne Fourstring - Jack of All Trades, Riddlemaster - Sarlona
    Esson the Sacred Heart - Physician, Healer - Sarlona
    ~~The Paladin Code: Death before dishonor . . . especially when there is a cleric in the group.

  11. #11
    Community Member Teldurn's Avatar
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    This week, we came to gather inside the Empty Handed shop at House Jorasco's Enclave. I am happy to report that the regular shenanigans that usually occur every week were kept to a minimum this time. We did, however, have someone acting as a bit of a clown, but that person quickly got into the spirit of the game and began behaving... somewhat.
    Clayne Fourstring - Jack of All Trades, Riddlemaster - Sarlona
    Esson the Sacred Heart - Physician, Healer - Sarlona
    ~~The Paladin Code: Death before dishonor . . . especially when there is a cleric in the group.

  12. #12
    Community Member Teldurn's Avatar
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    Another week went by and I was scouting around for locations. I realized I hadn't hosted inside Phoenix Tavern yet, at least not that I could remember, so I went in and started searching. I was tempted to go down into the battle pit and have a chat with the barkeep down there to find a spot in the corner, but eventually decided against it. So, as I was looking, I discovered the only place with close to enough space would be the distillery in the back. It turned out to be quite cramped, AND I got a large turnout. And, naturally with that many people in one area, the shenanigans with camouflage and other tricks were being thrown about freely.

    The room was small enough that I couldn't get a complete picture of everyone, so this is the other half of the room.

    It almost looks like no one is there, right? How annoying. So after I got control (and one of my regulars [Thanks, Agentofchaos] was asking for the same), we were able to make it stop long enough to take a proper photo.

    (OOC: It was very amusing to note that the bearded fellow with the top hat to my left is Honestabe, and the fellow sitting just under my feet is Johnwilkes Booth. I have no idea if they know each other or if it was a serendipitous miracle.)

    Even still, there were a couple folks who decided that sitting ON TOP OF the stills would be a good idea. They weren't in the shots, but as you can see.... crowded.

    In retrospect, I should have picked a more open area. Alas, perhaps next time.
    Last edited by Teldurn; 10-28-2010 at 10:31 AM.
    Clayne Fourstring - Jack of All Trades, Riddlemaster - Sarlona
    Esson the Sacred Heart - Physician, Healer - Sarlona
    ~~The Paladin Code: Death before dishonor . . . especially when there is a cleric in the group.

  13. #13
    Community Member Teldurn's Avatar
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    I won't lie. I took a secret vacation to visit family up in the Talenta plains in Khorvaire. I didn't tell anyone, and I didn't take any communication devices with me. I was gone for two weeks, and it felt great. ...I didn't feel so great when I got back and I got a flurry of concerned friends contacting me asking if I had given up on life. Imagine that!

    Anyhow, thankfully I had prepared just about everything for Riddle Nights before I left, except for the location. But a quick couple minutes of wandering around quickly revealed where I'd be hosting this week. I decided on going inside the Airship Showroom located in the Harbor district. I'm well aware finding locales in the Harbor side of town tends to attract many people.

    But as the night progressed, the impatient and unruly ones tend to filter out (as they tend to do), leaving the true audience participants. Speaking of unruly, after the riffraff had left, there was one particular Half-Orc who kept jabbing his thick, sausage fingers in my face and being a general nuisance.

    Thankfully, another Half-Orc (a female, by as much as I could tell) was there to protect me. She even fancied herself my unofficial bodyguard!
    (It's hard to tell, but she's the large one sitting to my left - I didn't even get her name.)

    Then, as the night progressed, we finally came to the Grand Prize riddle. This is always my favorite part. Nearly 15 minutes of deafening silence, punctuated by the sounds of pens, pencils, quills and other writing instruments furiously scribbling on paper, parchment, vellum or whatever else material they had to write on. I love it!

    By the way, the other hulking Half-Orc standing on the right holding a greatsword larger than I am, seemed to be confused by the concept of writing. I pitied him for that, despite the fact that his attempts of what he called "squiggles" ended up being a doodle of some sort of creature. It was amusing to watch, I admit.
    Clayne Fourstring - Jack of All Trades, Riddlemaster - Sarlona
    Esson the Sacred Heart - Physician, Healer - Sarlona
    ~~The Paladin Code: Death before dishonor . . . especially when there is a cleric in the group.

  14. #14
    Community Member Teldurn's Avatar
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    Oh, dear, I must be getting sloppy! I went over a week and a half without an update!

    Well, last week, I went back to an old staple of a location: the Blue Room inside the Rusty Nail. I came across a new, spiffy orange robe, though!
    As I was about ready to start the event, I was treated by a free demonstration by a couple dancers, including one of my kin over there on the right.

    It wasn't much of a distraction, as they were polite enough to move aside for the riddles to begin flowing.

    Overall, however, outside of the young female who had a particularly quick tongue (when she spoke, it was at about twice as fast as normal folk, making it hard to make out what she was saying) with the affinity for hamsters, it was a pretty run-of-the-mill session.


    Fast forward a week (which would be three days ago today). I decided to check out the newly built Lordsmarch Plaza.

    It's a pretty swank place, I must admit. I chose a corner near the caravans which seemed to be out of the way enough to not be bothersome. I also drew a pretty respectable crowd this time, which is always nice.

    I was mistaken, however, since one of the officials would routinely come around and make sure everything was in order and that we weren't acting up.

    That was very nice of them. I appreciate a well-run operation when I see it (I should, I run one myself).
    Clayne Fourstring - Jack of All Trades, Riddlemaster - Sarlona
    Esson the Sacred Heart - Physician, Healer - Sarlona
    ~~The Paladin Code: Death before dishonor . . . especially when there is a cleric in the group.

  15. #15
    Community Member Teldurn's Avatar
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    I'll be taking a short term vacation from my hosting duties.

    ((OOC: Actually, I'm in the process of permanently moving 2000 miles, so I'll be too busy to play for a while. See ya'll later!))

    Clayne Fourstring - Jack of All Trades, Riddlemaster - Sarlona
    Esson the Sacred Heart - Physician, Healer - Sarlona
    ~~The Paladin Code: Death before dishonor . . . especially when there is a cleric in the group.

  16. #16
    Community Member RenigadeWolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teldurn View Post
    I'll be taking a short term vacation from my hosting duties.

    ((OOC: Actually, I'm in the process of permanently moving 2000 miles, so I'll be too busy to play for a while. See ya'll later!))

    good luck Clayne! not sure how the times on anything have been... i haven't seen you around in a loooong time. is nice seeing myself in some of those old Screenshots though

  17. #17
    Community Member Thaxlsillyia's Avatar
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    when is riddle nights coming back?

  18. #18
    Community Member RenigadeWolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thaxlsillyia View Post
    when is riddle nights coming back?
    O.O Thax was at Riddle Night? *** i never knew.

  19. #19
    Community Member Teldurn's Avatar
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    Thanks for the support, folks! Unfortunately, my short term vacation is looking like it's going to be a very long term vacation. I'm not sure if I'll be back - I have a baby on the way in less than 3 weeks. So, I just won't have the free time to do any gaming.

    Hopefully sometime soonish, I will be able to play again.
    Clayne Fourstring - Jack of All Trades, Riddlemaster - Sarlona
    Esson the Sacred Heart - Physician, Healer - Sarlona
    ~~The Paladin Code: Death before dishonor . . . especially when there is a cleric in the group.

  20. #20
    Community Member Thaxlsillyia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RenigadeWolf View Post
    O.O Thax was at Riddle Night? *** i never knew.
    most fun 'quest' i have ever done in eberon. close second is playing hide and seek in the harbor while spamming the trade channel for clues
    Last edited by Thaxlsillyia; 04-26-2011 at 03:39 PM.

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