Does the vorpal strike from Assassin III work w/ ranged weapons?
Forum search hasn't turned up anything for me.
Does the vorpal strike from Assassin III work w/ ranged weapons?
Forum search hasn't turned up anything for me.
Yes. Cache and I tested it when it first came out on Lamannia, and you can indeed vorpal with ranged (if memory serves, he was using a repeater). You can also vorpal unarmed. Karate chop dim-mok!
Keep in mind, though, that your attack has to register as a Sneak Attack for the death strike. So, you need to be pretty close AND not have aggro.
Shiz - Ghallanda > Orien (Pharoah let my people go!)
Shizmonkey (OG Grand Poo-Bah of R.O.G.U.E. 1st edition) and other various ShizAlts
R.O.G.U.E. Proving Grounds Redux is now defunct. Check out Part Quatre
You can shield bash and sneak attack. Thus, you can vorpal with a shield.
Does anyone else see something AWESOME when they think of that?
Yep, it works within sneak attack range. My favorite ranged vorpal via Assassin III was on an unsuspecting spider I floated down near, vorpal'd with a Sun Flask.
Server - Thelanis
Last questions, I promise!
If a mob is on auto-crit (stat drained) will it work if you have aggro?
If a mob is blinded or decepetion is used and you have aggro will it work?
And if these things are true (on auto-sneak attacks) will it work at any range?
And if THAT is true does anyone on G server have a WEF repeater they would like to sell me?
Thanks in advance for all the helpful info!
Anyone put together an elven arcaine archer assassin 20 pure rogue yet. Heavy repeaters with radiance heavy repeater and silver arrows. not sure enough....
Need what, point blank, focus ranged, heavy repeater, many shot, ic ranged, precise shot, improved precise shot. There is seven. Want rapid reload in there, might have missed a pre requirement to. 18/2 maybe?
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
Don't think ya can manyshot a repeater either. Perhaps a 18/1/1 assassin ranger wizard elf. Go with longbow, freezing ice with silver arrows. Hum....
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
Don't think ya can manyshot a repeater either. Perhaps a 18/1/1 assassin ranger wizard Aa elf. Go with longbow, freezing ice with silver arrows. Hum....
Gah, double post....still need radiance bow though, freezing ice won't get ya in vorp condition. Hum 10% crit range for radiance is skinny.
Last edited by Varr; 08-14-2010 at 04:04 PM.
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
Shiz - Ghallanda > Orien (Pharoah let my people go!)
Shizmonkey (OG Grand Poo-Bah of R.O.G.U.E. 1st edition) and other various ShizAlts
R.O.G.U.E. Proving Grounds Redux is now defunct. Check out Part Quatre
Assassin III vorpal strike is on a natural 20. That means, it don't matter what weapon you use, you still have to roll a 20 (5% chance).
"◦Your lethality is unmatched in battle. Grants an +1d6 sneak attack bonus to damage, +2 bonus to Bluff, Hide, and Move Silently skills and Fortitude saves against poison. Also, any sneak attack also counts as a vorpal strike (natural 20 followed by critical confirmation) that you make will kill most living targets"
-ddo wiki
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