Relic of the Last War
Scholar of Adventure
Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.
I don't agree with the moderators on this issue. If a small number of people complained I cannot see how that can outweigh the other masses who knew that the Hi Welcome was just a lighthearted joke and considerably less offensive than what the posters could have been responding e.g. RTFM or calling people nubs or other stuff like that. It doesn't make sense to ban two words, all that will happen is people will replace it with something else, potentially less benign.
Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
Tinosa 20/brd Garthbot 20/fvs Gaarth 18/ftr 1/rgr 1/rog (Stal Def)
Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)
people are going bonkers over their right to be insulting in a 'thinly veiled' way.
It is condescending, and is nothing different than any other phrase or group using some kind of 'code phrase' or inside joke to insult newcomers or people that are not geeky enough. Teen movies are full of that too - gratz on rising to the level of insipid teen movies.
It doesnt matter if you string random letters together and then start using it as an 'inside joke' on new people - an insult is an insult.
It is a complete dodge (re lie) to say it is less condescending than just saying what you actually think of someone posting a stupid question say - being brutally honest is better than hiding behind some stupid phrase. Saying 'Hi Welcome' is far more condescending because 'only the insiders get it your too stupid', and then trying to hide behind the excuse 'oh I was just joking'. No - its being insulting and people that do it are too lazy and/or chicken to just say it all out in the open.
Welcome to the Geek Clique.
To me, Hi Welcome was simply a gentle way of saying "Do your research." It was often preceded or followed by the answer to the overly simple question asked. I did not find the words offensive. Some folks who used the phrase managed to be offensive, but there is no way to stop that, not with a multitude of blanket rules and zero tolerance. The only way to stop folks who are rude is to target the individuals themselves, rather than to try to bind the mouths of the masses. Blanket rules and zero tolerance are popular in government, management, and moderation because they are easy, not because they are effective.
I find it quite telling that the only posts I have seen in this thread that I found rude and flamey came from people that support the ban. Once such post was downright offensive, and seemed written solely to offend. I find that post far more inflammatory than any simple phrase. Or phrentence. Whichever you prefer. I’m rather fond of “phrentence” myself.
I find it ridiculous that my partner and Guild leader felt it necessary to change our message of the day yesterday. We’ve had the same message of the day since our guild started. It made us giggle. But now it’s been changed because we are players who always try to do the right thing. And that is what will happen. Players trying to do the right thing will be curtailed, and those who want to be rude will find a vast, unbanable, kaleidoscope of ways to be rude. The only real difference will be that we’ll miss some of the giggles.
R.I.P. phrentence that made me giggle.
Relic of the Last War
Scholar of Adventure
This is sad.
This really makes me sad.
One last time for old times' sake:
Hi Welcome
Though it will live on ingame and on another forum,
we will never forget it and might sneak it into a thread now and then.
I wish it wouldn't have been like this.
Thank you for making ** ******* immortal.
Just out of curiosity:
If one were to place the appropriate punctuation behind the words (hence making sentences and not a phrase), could it then be "re-born"
"Hi. Welcome."
Or does one have to completely add words to separate them:
"Hi there. Welcome."
"Hello. Welcome to the forums."
Or are both of those words banned, ie. One cannot say "Hi." or "Welcome."
A little clarification please.
** *******
Dang, I am on vacation and using a painful mac g3 powerbook and so have only made through 8 pages so far and want to get my 2 cents in before this thread gets closed or deleted. First of all, this is action by Turbine representitives is perfectly suited for Hi Welcome, followed by this has to be one of the most ill considered forum actions I have seen in my time here. Also as far as I am concerned the "light" posts by Tolero and Eladrin, in my opinion only exacerbate the situation and they should simply BUTT OUT. Don't spank us and then come around like you are innocent. T
Just because something is "less offensive" than it could be, doesn't mean it's acceptable. Telling someone they're a moron is not ok just because it's better than telling them to die in a fire.
The urban dictionary definition alone is evidence as to why this form of responding to someone is not acceptable. Here are some quotes.
"Some would call it a "slam" or some sort of "snarky" reply. While that can be true it is much more subtle than that."
"Someone (most likely a n00b or a known forum jackass) has just given a long forum rant displaying a lack of experience, social adeptness, and most of all...intelligence.
You reply with: Hi Welcome"
"it may mean, "Allow me to welcome you both with my literal words and with an active display of how much you fit in by being tone deaf, dumb, and uncritical of your babbling myself."
"If there's a real flame war going on, it's much more derisive but with a hint of snarkiness. I think it somewhat more clever than calling someone a "*** guzzler.""
"the readers of your post will have to interpret your meaning more or less on gut instinct."
These two words by themselves are fine. Clearly there are occasions in which it is not insulting, but the vast, vast majority of times, this phrase is used to belittle, provoke, or otherwise antagonize someone. The evidence is all over the forums, and we're done with it.
We tried to let this go as long as we reasonably could, and what is being proven by your reactions is that in the future we'll need to crackdown on issues like this much sooner.
It's time for this thread to come to a close, as it has moved beyond a light hearted farewell to the phrase and onto behavior that is not allowed.