every time i visit the forums this comes to mind
Server: Fernia Guild: Southern Tenant Farmers UnionMrTreats:lv20 Fighter Huma Macleod:lvl20Pali WF Octavius:lvl20 Rgr Drow Ramrez:lvl20 Clr Halfling Faygo:lvl20 Rog Drow Ampata:lvl20 Wiz Drow Bach:lvl17 Bard Drow Odafin:lvl5 Life 10 Seeley:lvl1 Barb 1/2 Orc
Wir sagen
Willkommen Bienvenue Welcome
Fremder Etrange Stranger
Glücklich zu sehen Je suis enchanté Happy to see you
Bleibe reste stay.
Yet another reason to enter 'The Alternative Forums'. Ask around in a PM to be able to enter this illustrious paradise where freedom of speech is allowed.
P.S. Don't PM me.
In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end withmust NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.
This thread has become epic
RIP Hi Welcome
Cant believe I read the 16 pages of post till here
Orien - where the coolest kids play
As I stated in another thread (one that I assume will be eaten soon enough) I never used this well known phrase. Actually I seldom use any of the DDO Standard Forum Phrases, of which there are a few. However I am sad to see it go as it has become something of a legend and the more I see it explained and talked about the more I believe it was of value.
I also believe in the ingenuity of the long time players and forumites who create these legendary phrases to come up with something that will once again speak the same sort of meaningful intent that this little, harmless phrase did.
*edit - I'm making my Facebook status "Hi Welcome" for at least the next 24 hours in tribute!
Last edited by sisterjinx; 08-14-2010 at 03:42 AM.
.............. seems nothing is safe .....................
I am having a really hard time concieving the triteness of this situation. there is nothing i have to say that would not get me banned. i am insulted by turbines actions...fortunately, i can ban turbine if i so choose, it is a 2 way street.
Seriously Damax? the most... of all the threads you have ever read and come accross? I think I have seen some of yours make H.W. pale in comparison. Like whining about not reading what you bought before clicking buy...
People didn't flame you nearly as bad as what you are attempting in this thread. And regardless of the moderators overreaction and decision to control the usage of H.W. it is far less offensive than many a response that has gone un-moderated, and is less offensive than even the word ******** being offensive only to those with the thinnest of skins.
Over moderation is never a good thing. Perhaps all the people in this thread should make it a short term mission to make sure that if you ever put forth one word that is not bland and banal to report your posts. Be careful of your word choice in the next few weeks and make sure you don't intone anything slightly provocative or imply any negativity.
I will leave you with a [space intentionally left blank].
KhyberR e v e n a n t s RenownedThelanis
In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end withmust NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.
Guten Tag!
Auf Wiedersehen, Hallo Willkommen.
As someone who tries to back the Mods of this forum and the developers I am thoroughly disappointed by this, some people took this out of context, I used the phrase for a Hallo Willkommen for, "please double check what your writing or please stop the agression and trolling."
In the instances of me using it, it has quelled the fires of a flame wars or a troll attacks, and now how are we supposed to defend ourselves mildly without having to involve you, our moderators as I know you are busy.
In most instances this was used mildly in a form of friendly humor and a in joke that someone was in need of understanding of things, how about we not ban it in the intention of the phrase, but instead only go after those who are intentionally causing harm.
For example,
Example of Good Use
Originally Posted by Original Post
(Not that bad)Originally Posted by Response
(No harm done)Originally Posted by Original Poster
Example of Bad Use
Originally Posted by Original Post
Originally Posted by Response
Originally Posted by Response to Hi Welcome
(Bad Use)Originally Posted by Response to Response
I'm sorry but as a person who backs free speach, even if I don't like what is said sometimes, I feel a bit thrown back by this.
I am not meaning this as an attack against you as Moderators, nor would I condone use of this in an agresive manner, but would like to express my opinion of this event as I have seen it unfold. And also I want to try and plea with you to take this with a bit of leniency as there are both good and bad uses for this phrase outside it's dictionarily use.
Thanks for listening,