There are so many guilds on each server. And I believe many of us have similar beliefs. I have a very easy in game way for multiple guilds to communicate on one channel that I have created. I have 1 guild in the coalition all ready and would like to add more quality guilds to it. I am the guild leader of Knights and Weekends
What this channel allows us to do is our members can just type in this channel that they are running this quest and want to know if anyone would like to come. Yes I know you can use general chat but then you might not get quality players. This is not a merge of guilds into one but just a way for our guilds to talk to each other. Take a look at my site, look over my rules and regulations. If you like what you see let me know, tell me about your guild. I would even be willing to give you space on my website as well like I did for Order of the Emerald Rose. So we can share a calendar and forums. Right now my guild is small, and Order of the Emerald Rose is a rather small guild, so the more guilds we get to join us in the channel the more options we have. The channel is an easy set up and I'll be glad to walk you through it.