large format with overhead maps, screenshots of the various quests, and boss monster descriptions
charge $99 and make it come with a TP bonus or some in game vanity ****
make it so
large format with overhead maps, screenshots of the various quests, and boss monster descriptions
charge $99 and make it come with a TP bonus or some in game vanity ****
make it so
1, on-topic: I love buying collector's editions of games to collect that extra junk. I could see paying 100 bucks for a book like that.
2, off-topic: These words take me back to the glory days of Warcraft 2, where this was the cheatcode to make your buildings get built much, much faster.
Clayne Fourstring - Jack of All Trades, Riddlemaster - Sarlona
Esson the Sacred Heart - Physician, Healer - Sarlona
~~The Paladin Code: Death before dishonor . . . especially when there is a cleric in the group.
In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end withmust NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.