Ok, now that we've gotten that out of the way...
Here's the history of Hi Welcome Vindraxx:
Hi Welcome was first used in the DDO Forums way back on June 13th, 2009 in the Argonnessen forums by Milamber69. In the same thread Milamber69 posted it, other Argonites also used it. In the link below, note Tabun's form - probably the first time it was used in the correct form. HeavenlyCloud picked it up and then Raegoul picked it up immediately thereafter and ran with it, using it in its current, correct form - Hi Welcome exclusively.
There is some debate as to who was actually the originator as it could have been used in-game chat between certain AoK members before its actual first appearance in the Forums.
EDIT: According to Raegoul...
Indeed, as I suspected, it started in in-game chat. Please make sure you guys PM Milamber69 as Raegoul suggested.
Anyway, here's the link to the meme's first appearance in the DDO forums:
(Note the primitive incorrect form; also scroll down for other Argonites' usage of it)
Here's the first time HeavenlyCloud and Raegoul ever used Hi Welcome:
After a few months, it started to catch on. Raegoul started its common use but a few of us really started to run with it. I started using the meme in a different language (Spanish) - Hola Bienvenido. Strakeln wrote it backwards - Emocle Wih. Emili started writing it in Irish Ghaelic and others have translated it into French - Bonjour Bienvenue and Chinese - Ni Hao HuanYing. Other
languages have been used as well.
When I first noticed the meme, I saw Raegoul using it and thought it was quite clever in its simplicity. The form was simple and elegant but its meaning was somewhat elusive to those who wished to put it into words. To get a grasp of its concept, you really need to have an intuitive understanding instead of a firm one. You either "know" when to use it or you don't.
So, Raegoul started to really use it. I picked it up and so did others. The problem was the others who picked it up may have gotten the idea of when to use it but they rarely used the proper form which is where I really come into the picture. Besides having used the meme in different languages first, I am the one who is MOST responsible for seeing that it is written correctly.
Just to review the form quickly, it should always be written with a capital H and a capital W. No punctuation is permissable either. It should always be written - Hi Welcome and no other way. If you're writing it in another language (and assuming the language has capital letters), only the first letter of each word should be capitalized and again no punctuation is used. The lone exception to the "only the first latter in each word is capitalized" rule is for the Chinese form not written in characters. In this case Ni Hao HuanYing is correct. This is due to a peculiarity of the Chinese language.
While I have done the MOST corrections, it is quite gratifying to see others are picking up the ball and doing it as well.
As to it's meaning, while KKDragonLord has made an attempt to quantify it above, it is much more than that. Some would call it a "slam" or some sort of "snarky" reply. While that can be true it is much more subtle than that. It's meaning is more of a feeling than anything else. How can one possibly define Love adequately? They can't, of course, and likewise, no one can adequately define Hi Welcome
As I said previously, you either have the intuition necessary to grasp its meaning and use it in correct situations or you don't. I suppose some (those without the intial intuitive grasp of it) have figured it out eventually but they most likely observed its use over a long period of time and in a large number of posts. Some have never "gotten" it and probably never will.
Good luck on your quest.