Good hope isn't inferior to greater heroism. Greater heroism provides a bonus to saves, temp hp, immunity to fear, a bonus to skill checks, and a bonus to hit on a single target. Good hope provide a bonus to saves, a bonus to hit, a bonus to damage, a bonus to skill check, a bonus to ability checks, counter crushing despair, and affects multiple targets.
Good hope provides a damage bonus, an ability check bonus, counters crushing despair where greater heroism does not. Greater heroism provides a larger to hit bonus, larger save bonus, larger skill point bonus, temp hp, and immunity to fear where good hope does not.
Since inspire courage overshadows both on to hit and damage bonus they can be left out of the benefits for the comparison for the most part. Once a bard has inspire heroics the save bonus is covered by a song too.
That leaves the advantages of greater heroism at fear immunity, temp hp, and bonus to skills. The bonus to skills is only 2 points over good hope. This also leaves the advantages of good hope over greater heroism as a bonus to ability checks, countering crushing despair, and multiple targets for a lower SP cost.
I don't see the temp hp or ability checks as a high priority for either. GH is only needed if the party needs the immunity to fear or someone needs the +2 bonus to skill checks because it much more efficient to run off good hope for the party due to the SP cost of using GH on individual targets. I do find myself casting good hope to counter crushing despair at times as well. I personally think it's crazy not to take and keep good hope.
Remove curse can be done with wands, scrolls, and potions; and by other classes. It's not worth a spell slot.
Cure serious wounds is something I dropped while I continue to use mass cure light and mass cure moderate, or cure critical. Or a heal scroll. I care cure serious and cure critical wands to top up. That's just not worth a spell slot either.
Players already have and +2 competence bonus from items, and if the people hitting are hitting on a 2 anyway it becomes pointless in both scenarios. I do it if I don't have a +2 competence to hit my bard or if I want the temp hp to burn thru.
Greater heroism provides immunity to fear and +2 skill / save bonus over good hope. I don't recommend casting greater heroism unless someone asks for it or if the party expects to need the fear immunity. The SP cost for multiple greater heroism castings isn't really worth it unless needed.
Like RustyCan mentioned, Glitterdust is a good spell since it can blind multiple targets, INCLUDING undead. Compare this with another level 2 bard spell (Blindness) which only affects 1 target. So you can use Glitterdust on those encounters with undead if you're feeling quite useless there (e.g. not hitting hard enough, your enchantment spells can't work etc, and your Fascinate song doesn't work on them). The only downside that it takes a while to cast, so you will need some practise to time it better.
For me, I tend to cast it on the door or at huge mobs. At higher levels though, I don't use it as often anymore due to its slow casting time, but I still keep it around.
One other clarification: Although the Good Hope description mentions a bonus to ability checks, it doesn't actually have that affect in game. I think the only thing that could be considered an ability check is the roll against being tripped anyway, so there hasn't been much interest in adding that bonus. Now if it could apply to rune/lever/door stat requirements, then it would be a much more interesting addition.
Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).