The Brotherhood of the New Dawn is looking to fill it's ranks! We've lost a few members to the biggie guilds, and it's time to rebuild. New blood! New friends.
We have no requirements to join, no pressure to play more than you want. We like new players to the game that need a helping hand and we're all pretty good guides to learn about the big new world that the new player finds him/herself immersed in. We are also very friendly to those who are just on our server to farm favor. If you want a guild while you're here making favor, we welcome you.
The only thing that we push for is cooperation. Making everyday life in Eberron better for all. Helping the newbies instead of taking advantage of them, or making fun of them. Passing gear down to those who need it instead of selling for an extra platinum or two. Helping the character who just cried out for help in general chat because they got in too far over their head, or got dead because they missed a trap. We're the ones who answer those calls for help.
We don't have an airship. We don't have a big number next to our name (L 13 currently, I believe), and we don't mind if you stop in for awhile, but then choose to move on to bigger and better things. What we are is a great small guild for newbies (and farmers), who do what we can to make Orien and all of Eberron a better, kinder, more enjoyable world for all.
Our motto: Have Fun, Don't Die. Or, Better gear, Better health, Staying alive > Big bank account.
Leave me a message here if you're interested, or, in game, look for Redpiety, Kiraala, or Midnacht