boi hukt on fontix shur dint werk fer sum ppls
Oh and if you want mounts go back to playing Warcrap
boi hukt on fontix shur dint werk fer sum ppls
Oh and if you want mounts go back to playing Warcrap
Last edited by Akrilus; 08-10-2010 at 11:38 AM.
Gnomes...I don't want lawn decorations running around the game.
Mounts, as said before, would do nothing but create MORE lag. And to create a reason for them would be to redo the ENTIRE game.
Telling someone to use DDOwiki or Google is a waste of time as most of the players don't have the patience to know HOW to use those resources and will only continue bugging people in the /Advice or /General chat channels until they get an answer or it ends up being a big flaming war over how stupid someone is. It happens all the time now.
The Misfit Toys
Nerate, Tarene, Lupina, Satina, Throckmorton, Dramain, Yarka, Unka, Cryptstalker, Scurd, Steadyhanded, Zonaari
Armor Dye Kits?
Everyone has races they want in the game. It doesn't mean they all should be put in.
I wish I was as optimistic as you.
The direction they are going with the game is making it more 'accessible' to new players.
*Gag* No, not even one extra inch past the brawl pit walls.
'e sed, "hukt on fon'ix shur dint werk fer sum peeps." Cain'tya reed lyk th' restuvus ejumacated hilbillzees?
-> (purely poked for some sort of humor value, hope it's taken as such.)
Khopesh is not overpowered. It is simply worth the feat. In fact, compared to the big, required TWF DPS feats -- PA, TWF, ITWF, GTWF, ICrit -- the Khopesh feat adds less DPS.
Khopeshes are no more overpowered than the various DPS feats every TWF melee takes.
PnP's exotic weapons are generally poorly designed and are not worth the feats, except a few ones like spiked chain. DDO had the right idea with Khopesh. D-Axes are already fine, as they're primarily a racial bonus, without the cost of a feat. Bastard swords still need some help. A few decent THF exotic weapons would be nice as well.
Yes, I'm also a PA user, TWF user, ITWF user, GTWF user, and ICrit:slashing user, along with almost 100% of the TWF DPS builds out there. Just because everyone uses it doesn't mean it's overpowered.
Khopeshes cost a feat, therefore their power should be compared to the power of other feats. Just because other exotic weapons were unfortunate enough to inherit the design flaws of 3.5 doesn't mean Khopeshes are overpowered. It means the other exotic weapons are underpowered.
1). if they add domains on cleric.
Last I heard, they were looking into adding them, maybe next year. Maybe.
2). if they add all divination spells in clerics spell list.
Um... why?
3). if they add druids, gnomes, half-orcs.
Half-Orcs and Druids are in deverlopement - Gnomes, not so much.
4). if they add summon familiars, animal companions,and special mount.
Familiers and animal companions might be decent, if they find some way to add them that would not suck or get in the way. Summon X spells in the game are still pretty underwhelming. If they can add these in a way that would not suck, be underwhelming, or overly problematic, I'm all for it. If not, then just leave em out.
We don't need mounts at all.
5). if they add polearms and spears. and fix the overpower khopesh it shoud be (19-20/*2) (source: DEITES and DEMIGODS).
Agreed on polearms, they'd be cool.
They will never fix khopesh because they don't want a huge swath of their player base to get angry and leave. They are, however, making some changes to other weapons to lessen the khopseh's dominance.
6). if they add all feats in players handbook 3.5.
Why would we need feats like Still Spell, Improved Initiative, Investigator, Deft Hands, or Endurace - just to name a few off the top of my head. I think we could use a few that are missing like Blind Fighting, but not all of em.
7). if they add horses.
We don't need mounts.
8). if they fix the special ability of rouges. (A rouge may gain a bonus feat in place of a special ability) (source: players handbook 3.5)
This would be nice - but not overly needed.
9). they should add 1st the eleven classes of 3.5 before the prestige class.
I disagree. They should fully flesh out the PrEs they have, and add new classes slowly enough to get em right.
10). etc!
Care to be more specific?![]()
ye good news..
cause clerics in DDO had a limited divination spells..
your right..
ye but the item creation feats are cool..
cause your not a rogue.. ye other rogues need it..
what? complete the eleven classes 1st.. before the prestige classes..
. . . . . .
ye good news..
We'll see if it's good news or not when they release em.
cause clerics in DDO had a limited divination spells..
Yes, but why does the game need more? Support your argument with specific spell examples.
I agree.
your right..
Thank you.
ye but the item creation feats are cool..
I'd like Item Creation feats too - but you didn't single those out. You said all, and not every Feat is a good fit for the game.
cause your not a rogue.. ye other rogues need it..
I play two Rogues, actually. Please don't assume something just because I don't fully agree with you.
what? complete the eleven classes 1st.. before the prestige classes..
Why? We have incomplete PrEs in the game now. I say finish those to their fullest, and realize their full potential before muddying the PrE waters more with additional classes.
. . . . . .
I agree.
Memnir - I agree with everything you said, however,
Gnomes should be added to the game, as well as ALL the core (Eberron included) races.
+1 rep
They've said this through ALOT of updates/modules/patches. And it STILL exists.
Personally they need to do nothing with the next update but fix all the problems. Call it Stormreach Repaired. There are still some known issues from when the game went live.
Oh....Pre-Module 1....they said Druids would be coming soon. Still waiting on them so don't hold your breath....
The Misfit Toys
Nerate, Tarene, Lupina, Satina, Throckmorton, Dramain, Yarka, Unka, Cryptstalker, Scurd, Steadyhanded, Zonaari
Armor Dye Kits?