I'm still pretty new to DDO, but have a long background in MMO's so forgive me if some of my questions seem pretty noobish. While I enjoy the game I have trouble finding info online about things alot of time. For example I can find builds that show you what your stats should be at lvl 1 and at lvl 20, but nothing on your progression between. I understand that is a lot of ground to cover and the experienced players that create these builds already know this info. I'm playing a halfling TWF weapon finesse bard thats at lvl 8 right now. I'm using a few warchanter builds I've found as guides so the characters progression as in feats and enhancements aren't an issue. Things I would like to know are how to make the character the best it can be as it lvl's from lvl to lvl. Things like what kind of AC and +to hit you should be shooting for at each lvl. As in most things more is always better, but surely there is a way to gauge characters growth to know if your falling behind or not.
Are there certain items you should strive to get as your lvling? I've seen some dex based characters that wear light armor and others that wear cloth. I understand the arcane spell failure on light armor is the reasoning for this. So if you went that route what kind of items do you need? mod. fort. items, DR items, Protect items. How do you go about getting the items you need besides selling your soul on the AH? I'm not looking for a list that says you need these exact items at these lvl's, but an idea on some of the kinds of items I should be trying to get would be helpful. Or do I just go to the AH, find some light armor that gives me the best AC possible and forget about it til I lvl and do the same thing over again?
Then we get into things like saves and resists. Is there any kind of a min. number that you should have by a certain lvl? Do you only put resist and saves gear on at certain times or is it built into your regular gear?
Now lets tackle weapons. With all the DR monsters have in this game you need a tool belt to carry all the different weapons you need. Dex based character so of course I'm using main hand rapier off hand short sword. When should I switch to main and off hand rapiers? No OTWF so what should my to hit bonus be at? Should I be carrying other weapons like sickles for slashing damage and light maces for bludgeon damage? Then you also get into weapons with effects on them. Should I try to get a certain kind of effect on all my weapons or should i just stick to the basic get the best + to hit and damage weapons and forget about effects?
From what I've learned from the game so far it seems obtaining items falls into three places....AH, static quest rewards, and plain old luck of the drop from chests. Is this right? I've found a few links that gave static quest rewards from lvl 1 to 20 and if that's all of them there doesn't seem to be much variety there. If I'm lvl 8 and needing new weapons and gear where should I be questing to try and get the stuff I need for that lvl? Seems if you do the quests that are listed as your lvl you get weapons and items that were what you needed 2 to 3 lvl's before. Is there any kind of list online that shows every item from the game and how to obtain it?
I tip my hat to all of the players that have this game figured out and are good at it. DDO is not a stupid persons game, but takes a lot of knowledge and thinking to do well. Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance for helpful insights that can be given.