With a nod to one of my favorite movies, "Office Space", I thought it might be fun to vent about things that annoy you in your particular place of employ.
I'll start off...
Occasionally, some kind-hearted individual will bring in several boxes of doughnuts for everyone in the office. Very kind of them, and my big ol' belleh certainly appreciates the gesture.
Lurking somewhere in our office however, is a "doughnut cutter". This sneaky and clearly disturbed person apparently feels guilty about indulging in these delicious pastries and takes it upon his/herself to cut a doughnut or two in half. They take only half of said doughnut and then leaves the remainder for someone else.
Now seriously, if you're going to put your grubby mitts all over a doughnut to cut it, just take the whole damned thing. Nobody else wants just half of a boston creme doughnut! Especially once you've touched it and the filling has oozed out into the box.
What the heck is wrong with you?! Stop it!