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  1. #1
    Community Member crazy7381's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Cool Sorry had a typo Revelation Fighters recruitment

    This is Quazicotl again if you like having fun questing or chatting join my guild because we do all three I am helpful as i can be if interested reply to post send me a mail in ddo mail box or contact me when im online thanks for looking and considering my guild have a great day

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Looking for "casual" friendly guild

    I saw on a previous post that you accept casual players...just how accepting are you? Just wondering because I've had past guilds say it's ok that I'm casual and then drop me when I don't log on for a week.

    I try to log on when I can, however, I have RL commitments and also like to play other games as my mood dictates. This means I may log on a few days in a row and then not at all for a couple weeks. The last thing I want is for a video game to become like a second job, so I tend to solo what I can, then partake in whatever pickup groups are available.

    That being said, I get tired of waiting around for a group to form just so I can finish that last elite quest. I am looking for a guild that understands there is a life outside of gaming, is friendly, and has the resources to offer timely quest help if needed. I am also willing to offer my help whenever/however I can.

    If this sounds like a fit for your guild, let me know. My main toon is a Lvl 4 Cleric by the name of Maloghurst.

  3. #3
    Community Member crazy7381's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Wink Yes my guild accepts any and all gamers

    This guild is for people who love to play alot alittle or once a year the only way to be booted is by acting a fool or being rude something along those lines. This is a social guild I like to play chat whatever help other players get helped .... so on so forth. So if your interested in joining post on this board mail me a ddo msg or look me up in the game and get me when im on my name is Quazicotl it has been a pleasure reply btw I will add you 2 morrow :-)

    "Until the whole world hears what we are calling out..."

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