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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Mar 2006

    Default Drow Twin Blade Masters

    The dazzling flair of two swords captures the minds of many of us sword and sorcery fans. Be it the matched long and short sword, The twin scimitars or chinese broad sword, and ofcourse a rapier and dagger. These weapon combos catch our imagination and no race in all of D&D lore has ever possessed a reputation in wiedling them that matches the one lain at the feet of the Drow.

    Long before Drizzt novels or modern D&D rules. The specifics on using Two weapons in PnP could be abit fuzzy. there where rules for just letting base dex overcom race them, advanced rules for negating the penalties and accruing skill bonuses etc. Yet above all where Drow who naturally could wield two equal sized one handed weapons be they bastard swords or daggers with no penalty( females could move faster and if clerics cast a whole heap load of extra spells a day to but that is another story).

    What I propose here in DDO to help give drow enhancments some love is to offer them a racial prestige line similar to elves arcane archer but instead following the tempest route. I hear talk that drow may be getting thier own rogue based prestige line which although nice is just further defining drow in that rogue niche most feel stomped into.

    Giving drow the ability to persue say ftr or barbarian pure and yet possess the twin weapon skill of a tempest if they invest in the feats would be a small and I feel balanced way to give drow players something unique and deadly.

    If they could also persue the scorpian wraith at the same time and hence possess as many as 3 prestige lines while being but one class I say that is also fair when a 32 point elf can possess arcane archer while being a bardbarian by comparison. Its just letting drow be flexible within the confines of a single class.

    This is just an idea ofcourse feel free to suggest tweaks and your own ideas so we drow fans can see our favorite race grow into something that 32 points of all other races just mock.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Nov 2009


    Interesting... While i'm not keen on giving Drow something akin to Tempest I wouldn't mind seeing a bit more of a TWF focus. How would you feel if Drow got OTWF as part of a racial prestige (dual Rapiers?) that also would grant TWB & TWD throughout the Drow's levels. The last two not being the greatest of feats and thus limited in use. At least then you wouldn't have something that people would complain about being just like *blank*.

    They'll complain about how worthless, er flavor favored it is.

  3. #3
    Community Member toughguyjoe's Avatar
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    Aug 2007


    I love it. TWF funnel for Drow, CHECK.


    Anyway. No racial prestige lines should focus on a fighting style. They should focus on the races flavor and abilities.
    Quote Originally Posted by gamblerjoe View Post
    if u put 1000 smurves in front of 1000 computers, eventually one of them will make a pally that isnt a complete abomination.
    Quote Originally Posted by dragonofsteel2 View Post
    Why should I care about what none friends think? It really not like anythink they do are say in this game really affects me.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by toughguyjoe View Post
    I love it. TWF funnel for Drow, CHECK.


    Anyway. No racial prestige lines should focus on a fighting style. They should focus on the races flavor and abilities.
    you seem to ignore things like the racial enhancment lines for weapon skill which is pretty much the same concept. Lets not forget how great say dwarven enhancments which cover numerous weapons and armor training are.

    So why would drow two weapon fighting which is something they are more or less universally ( as in no matter how else drow are depicted in numerous D&D settings) as the masters of two weapon style seem wrong? Drow flavor and ability is exactly that for most drow fans. TWO weapon mastery above and beyond the less dextrous and keen witted races.

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