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With few exceptions (The Black Abbot attempting to achieve godhood is questionable in a world where there's no proof of gods... aside from divine power that even those not worshiping a god can acquire.), the game stays fairly close to the lore of Eberron. Of course, not that you care, as you said. Just because you, personally, do not care nor desire for any background or explanation doesn't mean that there aren't people that do.
If Drow should have access to any Dragonmark (which by lore they should not, as only the races on Khorvaire, and only a handful of lineages within a handful of races at that, have the potential for Dragonmarks), it would be Aberrant Dragonmarks, as I mentioned in my prior post in this thread.
But lets cut all this aside.
In reality, you feel that Drow are underpowered, at least when compared to a 32pt build of another race. And you want them buffed.
If you had come and said this to begin with, you'd likely get people to agree. After all, their Spell Resistance is laughable, costly to improve, and remains laughable even at max, and they lack any of the innate magical abilities that are occasionally associated with Drow (and by standard D&D3.5 rules, they should have).
You could likely find other threads on this subject, as well.
Just adding a Dragonmark option isn't going to balance them. If Dragonmarks were all that, we'd see a lot more players with them. (I'm a fan of Dragonmarks, personally, but they're very hard to work into most characters, if at all, and in the high-magic lootfest known as DDO the magic granted by them is not as powerful as it would be in tabletop.)